How to list indexes

This ArcCatalog example lists the attribute indexes in a geodatabase, discounting the index on the object ID. You may find this macro useful when receiving the following message after trying to edit a personal geodatabase: 'Could not edit any of the map's layers. Check to see if a layer or table contains a unique index on a user managed column.'
The code also demonstrates how to operate on all the datasets in a geodatabase. For efficiency, name objects are used until it is determined that the dataset should be opened.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into your ArcCatalog VBA environment.
  2. Select a geodatabase in either the tree view or contents view and run the ListIndexesInGeodatabase macro. The output will appear in the VBA 'Immediate' window
Public Sub ListIndexesInGeodatabase()
    Dim pGxApp As IGxApplication
    Set pGxApp = Application
    Dim pGxObject As IGxObject
    Set pGxObject = pGxApp.SelectedObject
    Dim pDatasetName As IDatasetName
    If TypeOf pGxObject Is IGxDatabase Then
        Debug.Print "Dataset name", "Index name", "Unique?"
        Debug.Print "------------", "----------", "-------"
        Dim pWorkspace As IWorkspace
        Set pWorkspace = pGxObject.InternalObjectName.Open
        Call TraverseDatasetNames(pWorkspace.DatasetNames(esriDTAny))
    End If
End Sub

Public Sub TraverseDatasetNames(pEnumDatasetName As IEnumDatasetName)
    Dim pDatasetName As IDatasetName
    Set pDatasetName = pEnumDatasetName.Next
    Do Until pDatasetName Is Nothing
        If pDatasetName.Type = esriDTFeatureClass _
                               Or pDatasetName.Type = esriDTTable Then
            Call ListIndexes(pDatasetName)
        ElseIf pDatasetName.Type = esriDTFeatureDataset Then
            Call TraverseDatasetNames(pDatasetName.SubsetNames)
        End If
        Set pDatasetName = pEnumDatasetName.Next
End Sub

Public Sub ListIndexes(pDatasetName As IDatasetName)
    Dim pClass As IClass
    Dim pName As IName
    Set pName = pDatasetName
    Set pClass = pName.Open
    Dim pIndexes As IIndexes
    Dim pIndex As IIndex
    Dim i As Long
    Set pIndexes = pClass.Indexes
    For i = 0 To pIndexes.IndexCount - 1
        Set pIndex = pIndexes.Index(i)
        Dim pFields As IFields
        Set pFields = pIndex.Fields
        If Not (pFields.Field(0).Type = esriFieldTypeOID _
                Or pFields.Field(0).Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry) Then
            Debug.Print pDatasetName.Name, pIndex.Name, pIndex.IsUnique
        End If
    Next i
End Sub