How to export footprints of rasters in a raster catalog to a featureclass

This sample shows how to export the footprints of the rasters in a raster catalog to a featureclass.

How to use

  1. Add these functions to your project.
  2. Call the top-level function (first one listed) from your code.
Public Sub ExportFootprint(pCatalog As IRasterCatalog, pOutWs As IFeatureWorkspace, sName As String)
    ' This procedure exports the footprint column of a raster catalog to a featureclass
    Dim pFeatCls As IFeatureClass
    Dim pFldsEdit As IFieldsEdit
    Dim pFldEdit As IFieldEdit
    Dim pOutFeatCls As IFeatureClass
    Dim pCursor As IFeatureCursor
    Dim pFeature As IFeature
    Dim pRow As IRow
    ' QI IFeatureClass
    Set pFeatCls = pCatalog
    ' Create fields with OID, NAME and SHAPE columns
    Set pFldsEdit = New Fields
    Set pFldEdit = New Field
    pFldEdit.Name = "OBJECTID"
    pFldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeOID
    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit
    Set pFldEdit = New Field
    pFldEdit.Name = "NAME"
    pFldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeString
    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit
    Set pFldEdit = New Field
    pFldEdit.Name = "SHAPE"
    pFldEdit.Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry
    ' Get shape fieldname and index from the rastercatalog
    Dim sGeo As String
    sGeo = pFeatCls.ShapeFieldName
    Dim iShape As Integer
    iShape = pFeatCls.FindField(sGeo)
    ' Set the geometrydef from the shape field in the raster catalog
    Set pFldEdit.GeometryDef = pFeatCls.Fields.Field(iShape).GeometryDef
    pFldsEdit.AddField pFldEdit
    ' Create output featureclass
    Set pOutFeatCls = pOutWs.CreateFeatureClass(sName, pFldsEdit, Nothing, Nothing, esriFTSimple, "SHAPE", "")
    ' Get cursor from the raster catalog
    Set pCursor = pFeatCls.Search(Nothing, False)
    Set pFeature = pCursor.NextFeature
    ' Loop through all items and extract NAME and SHAPE column values
    Do While Not pFeature Is Nothing
        Set pRow = pOutFeatCls.CreateFeature
        'NAME column
        pRow.Value(1) = pFeature.Value(pCatalog.NameFieldIndex)
        'SAHPE column
        pRow.Value(2) = pFeature.Value(iShape)
        Set pFeature = pCursor.NextFeature
    Set pFeatCls = Nothing
    Set pFldsEdit = Nothing
    Set pFldEdit = Nothing
    Set pOutFeatCls = Nothing
    Set pCursor = Nothing
    Set pFeature = Nothing
    Set pRow = Nothing
End Sub