This VBA code demonstrates how to create a new Locator. This Locator does not use an Alternate Street Name table or a Place Name Alias table. If the Locator is unable to find the required address fields in the feature class that you select, the Locator is not created.
How to use
- Paste this code into VBA in ArcCatalog.
- In the ArcCatalog tree, select a folder, an ArcSDE database connection (ArcEditor or ArcInfo only), or an Address Locators folder.
- Run the CreateLocator macro.
- When prompted, type a name for the new Locator.
- When prompted, browse for the reference data for this Locator.
Private Const MESSAGEBOX_TITLE = "CreateLocator Geocoding Developer Tip"
Public Sub CreateLocator()
Const ERR_NUMBER_NAMETOOLONG = -2147220980
Dim pGxApplication As esriCatalogUI.IGxApplication '+++ reference to the parent ArcCatalog application
Dim pGxObject As esriCatalog.IGxObject '+++ the selected object in ArcCatalog
Dim pGxLocatorFolder As esriLocationUI.IGxLocatorFolder '+++ Address Locators folder
Dim pLocatorWorkspace As esriGeoDatabase.ILocatorWorkspace '+++ LocatorWorkspace associated with the selected GxObject
Dim pGxDatabase As esriCatalog.IGxDatabase '+++ a database object
Dim pWorkspace As esriGeoDatabase.IWorkspace '+++ Workspace from which to obtain the LocatorWorkspace
Dim pLocatorManager As esriLocation.ILocatorManager '+++ LocatorManager for getting LocatorWorkspace
Dim pGxFile As esriCatalog.IGxFile '+++ IGxFile interface on a GxFolder
Dim pLocator As esriGeoDatabase.ILocator '+++ reference to a locator style
Dim strLocatorName As String '+++ name for the new Locator
Dim pGxObjectFilter As esriCatalog.IGxObjectFilter '+++ ArcCatalog filter for the mini-browser
Dim pDatasetName As esriGeoDatabase.IDatasetName '+++ IDatasetName interface on the Name object for the selected feature class
Dim pWorkspaceName As esriGeoDatabase.IWorkspaceName '+++ Name object for the workspace that contains the feature class
Dim pDatabaseLocatorWorkspace As esriLocation.IDatabaseLocatorWorkspace '+++ IDatabaseLocatorWorkspace interface on the LocatorWorkspace
Dim pReferenceDataTables As esriLocation.IReferenceDataTables '+++ IReferenceDataTables interface on the Locator
Dim pEnumReferenceDataTable As esriLocation.IEnumReferenceDataTable '+++ enumeration of reference data tables
Dim i As Long '+++ loop counter
Dim pReferenceDataTableEdit As esriLocation.IReferenceDataTableEdit '+++ IReferenceDataTableEdit interface on a reference data table
Dim pNewLocator As esriGeoDatabase.ILocator '+++ Locator created by this script
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
'+++ get a reference to the selected GxObject
Set pGxApplication = ThisDocument.Parent
Set pGxObject = pGxApplication.SelectedObject
'+++ get the LocatorWorkspace from the selected GxObject
If TypeOf pGxObject Is esriLocationUI.IGxLocatorFolder Then
Set pGxLocatorFolder = pGxObject
Set pLocatorWorkspace = pGxLocatorFolder.LocatorWorkspace
ElseIf TypeOf pGxObject Is esriCatalog.IGxDatabase Then
Set pGxDatabase = pGxObject
If pGxDatabase.IsRemoteDatabase Then
Set pWorkspace = pGxDatabase.Workspace
Set pLocatorManager = New esriLocation.LocatorManager
Set pLocatorWorkspace = pLocatorManager.GetLocatorWorkspace(pWorkspace)
MsgBox "Cannot create a locator here.", vbCritical, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE
Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf TypeOf pGxObject Is esriCatalog.IGxFolder Then
Set pGxFile = pGxObject
Set pLocatorManager = New esriLocation.LocatorManager
Set pLocatorWorkspace = pLocatorManager.GetLocatorWorkspaceFromPath("")
MsgBox "Cannot create a locator here.", vbCritical, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE
Exit Sub
End If
'+++ get the US Streets LocatorStyle from the LocatorWorkspace
If TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.IDatabaseLocatorWorkspace Then
Set pLocator = pLocatorWorkspace.GetLocatorStyle(LOCATORSTYLE_ARCSDE_USSTREETS)
ElseIf TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.ILocalLocatorWorkspace Then
'+++ be default, choose the LocatorStyle for database reference data sources
Set pLocator = pLocatorWorkspace.GetLocatorStyle(LOCATORSTYLE_DATABASE_USSTREETS)
End If
'+++ prompt the user for a name for the new Locator
strLocatorName = InputBox("Enter a name for the new address locator:", MESSAGEBOX_TITLE, "New Address Locator")
If strLocatorName = "" Then Exit Sub
'+++ get the primary reference data feature class for the Locator
If TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.IDatabaseLocatorWorkspace Then
Set pGxObjectFilter = New esriCatalog.GxFilterSDEFeatureClasses
ElseIf TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.ILocalLocatorWorkspace Then
Set pGxObjectFilter = New esriCatalog.GxFilterFeatureClasses
End If
'+++ browse for the feature class
Set pDatasetName = BrowseForFeatureClass(pGxObjectFilter)
If pDatasetName Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
'+++ validate the feature class that was selected
If TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.IDatabaseLocatorWorkspace Then
'+++ verify that the selected feature class is in the same workspace as the locator
Set pWorkspaceName = pDatasetName.WorkspaceName
Set pDatabaseLocatorWorkspace = pLocatorWorkspace
If pDatabaseLocatorWorkspace.Workspace.ConnectionProperties.IsEqual(pWorkspaceName.ConnectionProperties) Then
Exit Do
If MsgBox("Choose a feature class in the same workspace as the address locator.", vbOKCancel, _
MESSAGEBOX_TITLE) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
End If
ElseIf TypeOf pLocatorWorkspace Is esriLocation.ILocalLocatorWorkspace Then
'+++ select the correct LocatorStyle if this is a file-based reference data source
Set pWorkspaceName = pDatasetName.WorkspaceName
If pWorkspaceName.Type = esriFileSystemWorkspace Then
Set pLocator = pLocatorWorkspace.GetLocatorStyle(LOCATORSTYLE_FILE_USSTREETS)
End If
Exit Do
End If
'+++ set the primary reference data table for the locator
Set pReferenceDataTables = pLocator
Set pEnumReferenceDataTable = pReferenceDataTables.Tables
For i = 1 To pEnumReferenceDataTable.Count
Set pReferenceDataTableEdit = pEnumReferenceDataTable.Next
If pReferenceDataTableEdit.DisplayName = REFERENCEDATATABLE_NAME_PRIMARY Then
Set pReferenceDataTableEdit.Name = pDatasetName
End If
Next i
If Not pReferenceDataTables.HasEnoughInfo Then
If MsgBox("Check the feature class to see if it contains the required fields for this address locator style.", _
vbOKCancel, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
Exit Do
End If
'+++ add the Locator to the LocatorWorkspace
If TypeOf pGxObject Is esriCatalog.IGxFolder Then
Set pLocatorWorkspace = pLocatorManager.GetLocatorWorkspaceFromPath(pGxFile.Path)
End If
Set pNewLocator = pLocatorWorkspace.AddLocator(strLocatorName, pLocator, "")
'+++ if the selected GxObject is a GxFolder or GxLoctorFolder, then refresh it
Exit Sub
MsgBox "An unexpected error occurred." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE, Err.HelpFile, Err.HelpContext
'+++ prompt the user for a shorter name for the locator, then resume execution
strLocatorName = PromptForLocatorName(strLocatorName)
If strLocatorName = "" Then Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Function BrowseForFeatureClass(pGxObjectFilter As esriCatalog.IGxObjectFilter) As esriSystem.IName
Const GXDIALOG_TITLE = "Select the reference data feature class..."
Dim pGxDialog As esriCatalogUI.IGxDialog '+++ ArcCatalog mini-browser dialog
Dim pEnumGxObject As esriCatalog.IEnumGxObject '+++ enumeration of selected objects
Dim pGxObject As esriCatalog.IGxObject '+++ selected GxObject
'+++ create the GxDialog and browse for feature classes
Set pGxDialog = New esriCatalogUI.GxDialog
With pGxDialog
.ButtonCaption = GXDIALOG_BUTTON
Set .ObjectFilter = pGxObjectFilter
If .DoModalOpen(ThisDocument.Parent.hWnd, pEnumGxObject) = False Then Exit Function
End With
Set pGxObject = pEnumGxObject.Next
Set BrowseForFeatureClass = pGxObject.InternalObjectName
End Function