How to write an SDE raster from a pixel array

This sample shows how to write to an SDE raster dataset directly from a pixel array. This sample also applies to the FGDB case.

How to use

  1. Call the following subroutine from your code.
	Public Sub WriteToSDEFromPixelArray()
	    'Get an SDE workspace.
	    Dim pWs As IRasterWorkspaceEx
	    Set pWs = OpenArcSDEWorkspace("norachat", 9000, "", "raster", "go")

	    'Create an empty dataset, use default parameters, see sample "Create Geodatabase Raster Dataset " for information on how to set up the parameters.
	    Dim pRasterDs As IRasterDataset2
	    Set pRasterDs = pWs.CreateRasterDataset("data1", 3, PT_SHORT, New RasterStorageDef, "", New RasterDef, Nothing)

	    ' Create a raster.
	    Dim pRaster As IRaster
	    Dim pRasterProp As IRasterProps
	    Dim Col As Long, Row As Long, pExtent As IEnvelope
	    Set pRaster = pRasterDs.CreateFullRaster
	    Set pRasterProp = pRaster

	    'Define the dimension of the raster.
	    Col = 1000
	    Row = 1000
	    Set pExtent = New Envelope
	    pExtent.XMin = 100
	    pExtent.XMax = 500
	    pExtent.YMin = 100
	    pExtent.YMax = 500
	    pRasterProp.Extent = pExtent
	    pRasterProp.Width = 1000
	    pRasterProp.Height = 1000

	    'Create a pixel block.
	    Dim pPB As IPixelBlock3
	    Dim pSize As IPnt

	    Set pSize = New Pnt
	    pSize.SetCoords Col, Row
	    Set pPB = pRaster.CreatePixelBlock(pSize)

	    'Set the pixel values.
	    Dim pRasterEdit As IRasterEdit
	    Dim SafeArray As Variant

	    For k = 0 To 2 'It is a 3 band raster.
	        SafeArray = pPB.PixelDataByRef(k)
	        For I = 0 To Col - 1
	            For J = 0 To Row - 1
	                If I = J Then safeArray = 255 Else SafeArray(I, J) = (I + J) * (k + 1) ' or any pixel values
	            Next J
	        Next I
	        pPB.PixelData(k) = SafeArray
	    Next k

	    'Write NoData mask with pixel value of (255,255,255).
	    Dim NoData(2) As Integer
	    NoData(0) = 255
	    NoData(0) = 255
	    NoDatak(2) = 255
	    pPB.Mask NoData
	    'Or simply do pPB.Mask 255.

	    pSize.SetCoords 0, 0 'Reuse this variable as the starting point.
	    Set pRasterEdit = pRaster
	    pRasterEdit.Write pSize, pPB

	    Set pRaster = Nothing
	    Set pRasterDs = Nothing
	    Set prasterprop = Nothing
	    Set saferray = Nothing

	    Set pRasterEdit = Nothing
	    Set pPB = Nothing
	    Set pWs = Nothing
	End Sub

	Public Function OpenArcSDEWorkspace(sServer As String, _
	                                    sInstance As String, _
	                                    sDatabase As String, _
	                                    sUser As String, _
	                                    sPassword As String, _
	                                    Optional sVersion As String = "sde.DEFAULT") As IRasterWorkspaceEx

	    ' Open a database workspace by specifying
	    ' sServer, sInstance, sDatabase, sUser, sPassword, sVersion are database connection info.

	    Dim pWsFact As IWorkspaceFactory
	    Dim pPropertySet As IPropertySet

	On Error GoTo erh:

	    'Open the ArcSDE workspace.
	    Set pPropertySet = New PropertySet
	    With pPropertySet
	        .SetProperty "server", sServer
	        .SetProperty "instance", sInstance
	        .SetProperty "database", sDatabase
	        .SetProperty "user", sUser
	        .SetProperty "password", sPassword
	        .SetProperty "version", sVersion
	    End With
	    Set pWsFact = New SdeWorkspaceFactory

	    Set OpenArcSDEWorkspace = pWsFact.Open(pPropertySet, 0)
	    Set pWsFact = Nothing
	    Set pWs = Nothing
	    Set pRasterDataset = Nothing

	End Function