This sample shows how to write to an SDE raster dataset directly from a pixel array. This sample also applies to the FGDB case.
How to use
- Call the following subroutine from your code.
Public Sub WriteToSDEFromPixelArray()
'Get an SDE workspace.
Dim pWs As IRasterWorkspaceEx
Set pWs = OpenArcSDEWorkspace("norachat", 9000, "", "raster", "go")
'Create an empty dataset, use default parameters, see sample "Create Geodatabase Raster Dataset " for information on how to set up the parameters.
Dim pRasterDs As IRasterDataset2
Set pRasterDs = pWs.CreateRasterDataset("data1", 3, PT_SHORT, New RasterStorageDef, "", New RasterDef, Nothing)
' Create a raster.
Dim pRaster As IRaster
Dim pRasterProp As IRasterProps
Dim Col As Long, Row As Long, pExtent As IEnvelope
Set pRaster = pRasterDs.CreateFullRaster
Set pRasterProp = pRaster
'Define the dimension of the raster.
Col = 1000
Row = 1000
Set pExtent = New Envelope
pExtent.XMin = 100
pExtent.XMax = 500
pExtent.YMin = 100
pExtent.YMax = 500
pRasterProp.Extent = pExtent
pRasterProp.Width = 1000
pRasterProp.Height = 1000
'Create a pixel block.
Dim pPB As IPixelBlock3
Dim pSize As IPnt
Set pSize = New Pnt
pSize.SetCoords Col, Row
Set pPB = pRaster.CreatePixelBlock(pSize)
'Set the pixel values.
Dim pRasterEdit As IRasterEdit
Dim SafeArray As Variant
For k = 0 To 2 'It is a 3 band raster.
SafeArray = pPB.PixelDataByRef(k)
For I = 0 To Col - 1
For J = 0 To Row - 1
If I = J Then safeArray = 255 Else SafeArray(I, J) = (I + J) * (k + 1) ' or any pixel values
Next J
Next I
pPB.PixelData(k) = SafeArray
Next k
'Write NoData mask with pixel value of (255,255,255).
Dim NoData(2) As Integer
NoData(0) = 255
NoData(0) = 255
NoDatak(2) = 255
pPB.Mask NoData
'Or simply do pPB.Mask 255.
pSize.SetCoords 0, 0 'Reuse this variable as the starting point.
Set pRasterEdit = pRaster
pRasterEdit.Write pSize, pPB
Set pRaster = Nothing
Set pRasterDs = Nothing
Set prasterprop = Nothing
Set saferray = Nothing
Set pRasterEdit = Nothing
Set pPB = Nothing
Set pWs = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function OpenArcSDEWorkspace(sServer As String, _
sInstance As String, _
sDatabase As String, _
sUser As String, _
sPassword As String, _
Optional sVersion As String = "sde.DEFAULT") As IRasterWorkspaceEx
' Open a database workspace by specifying
' sServer, sInstance, sDatabase, sUser, sPassword, sVersion are database connection info.
Dim pWsFact As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pPropertySet As IPropertySet
On Error GoTo erh:
'Open the ArcSDE workspace.
Set pPropertySet = New PropertySet
With pPropertySet
.SetProperty "server", sServer
.SetProperty "instance", sInstance
.SetProperty "database", sDatabase
.SetProperty "user", sUser
.SetProperty "password", sPassword
.SetProperty "version", sVersion
End With
Set pWsFact = New SdeWorkspaceFactory
Set OpenArcSDEWorkspace = pWsFact.Open(pPropertySet, 0)
Set pWsFact = Nothing
Set pWs = Nothing
Set pRasterDataset = Nothing
End Function