How to create zonal statistics using RasterZonalOp

This sample code demonstrates how to create a zonal statistics table from feature or raster zones using IZonalOp::ZonalStatisticsAsTable method

How to use

  1. Run ArcMap and add a zone dataset and a value raster as first and second layer respectively.
  2. Make sure the Spatial Analyst Extension is checked.
  3. Add reference to ESRI SpatialAnalyst Object Library.
  4. Add reference to ESRI GeoAnalyst Object Library.
  5. Paste the code into VBA.
  6. Change field name (sFieldName) in the code.
  7. Run the sub from the Macros dialog.
Sub ZonalStatistics()
    'Get the focused map from MapDocument
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
    'Get the zone dataset (feature or raster) from the first layer in ArcMap
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
    Dim pZoneGeoDataset As IGeoDataset
    Dim sFieldName As String
    sFieldName = "ZoneID"
    'Create a FeatureClassDescriptor from featureclass zone dataset
    If TypeOf pLayer Is IFeatureLayer Then
        Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer
        Set pFLayer = pLayer
        Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
        Set pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass
        Dim pFDescriptor As IFeatureClassDescriptor
        Set pFDescriptor = New FeatureClassDescriptor
        pFDescriptor.Create pFClass, Nothing, sFieldName
        Set pZoneGeoDataset = pFDescriptor
        'Create a RasterDescriptor from raster zone dataset
    ElseIf TypeOf pLayer Is IRasterLayer Then
        Dim pRasLayer As IRasterLayer
        Set pRasLayer = pLayer
        Dim pRaster As IRaster
        Set pRaster = pRasLayer.Raster
        Dim pRasDescriptor As IRasterDescriptor
        Set pRasDescriptor = New RasterDescriptor
        pRasDescriptor.Create pRaster, Nothing, sFieldName
        Set pZoneGeoDataset = pRasDescriptor
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Get the value raster from the second layer in ArcMap
    Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(1)
    If Not TypeOf pLayer Is IRasterLayer Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim pValueRasLayer As IRasterLayer
    Set pValueRasLayer = pLayer
    Dim pValueRaster As IRaster
    Set pValueRaster = pValueRasLayer.Raster
    'Create a RasterZonalOp operator
    Dim pZonalOp As IZonalOp
    Set pZonalOp = New RasterZonalOp
    'Set output workspace
    Dim pEnv As IRasterAnalysisEnvironment
    Set pEnv = pZonalOp
    Dim pWS As IWorkspace
    Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory
    Set pWSF = New RasterWorkspaceFactory
    Set pWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile("c:\temp", 0)
    Set pEnv.OutWorkspace = pWS
    'Create zonal statistics table
    Dim pTable As ITable
    Set pTable = pZonalOp.ZonalStatisticsAsTable(pZoneGeoDataset, pValueRaster, True)
    'Add the output statistics table into ArcMap and display
    Dim pTableWindow As ITableWindow
    Set pTableWindow = New TableWindow
    Set pTableWindow.Table = pTable
    Set pTableWindow.Application = Application
    pTableWindow.Show True
End Sub