How to create a group animation

This sample illustrates how to create a group animation in ArcMap. This sample only creates a group animation for two layers. However, it can be modified to work with three or more layers by adding more layers to the "LayerSet" property of the AGGroupAnimationOptions object.

How to use

  1. Open ArcMap and add two layers (feature or raster) to the ArcMap TOC;
  2. Copy and paste the following code into the VB editor in ArcMap;
  3. Make sure that "ESRI Animation Object Library" and "ESRI AnimationUI Object Library" are checked in the References dialog box of the VBA project;
  4. Run the macro "Create_Group_Animation";
  5. Click the Animation dropdown on the animation toolbar and click Animation Manager. In the Animation Manager dialog box, click the Tracks tab to verify that two new tracks have been created as a group animation.
Public Sub Create_Group_Animation()
    'Find the animation extension
    Dim pUID As New UID
    pUID.Value = "esriAnimation.AnimationExtension"
    Dim pAnimExt As IAnimationExtension
    Set pAnimExt = Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID)
    'Create AGAnimationUtils
    Dim pAGAnimUtils As IAGAnimationUtils
    Set pAGAnimUtils = New AGAnimationUtils
    Dim pAGGrpAnimOptions As IAGGroupAnimationOptions
    Set pAGGrpAnimOptions = New AGGroupAnimationOptions
    Set pAGGrpAnimOptions.AnimationEnvironment = pAnimExt.AnimationEnvironment
    Set pAGGrpAnimOptions.AnimationTracks = pAnimExt.AnimationTracks
    'Set the LayerSet property
    Dim pArray As IArray
    Set pArray = New esriSystem.Array
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.Maps.Item(0)
    pArray.Add pMap.Layer(0)
    pArray.Add pMap.Layer(1)
    Set pAGGrpAnimOptions.LayerSet = pArray
    pAGGrpAnimOptions.OverwriteExisting = True
    pAGGrpAnimOptions.TrackBaseName = "Sample group animation"
    'Get map animation container from the extension
    Dim pAnimContainer As IAGAnimationContainer
    Set pAnimContainer = pAnimExt.AnimationTracks.AnimationObjectContainer
    pAGAnimUtils.CreateLayerGroupAnimation pAnimContainer, pAGGrpAnimOptions
End Sub