How to add a symbol to the style gallery

This sample illustrates how you can add a style gallery item to a style file. Here, a fill symbol is added to the current target style file. By default, this is the personal style file of the user, e.g. C:\WINNT\Profiles\user_name\Application Data\ESRI\ArcMap\

How to use

  1. Copy-paste the code from this sample into a module in the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Run the procedure. It will add the fill symbol to the style gallery, and inform you of the file to which it added it.
  3. If you want to the symbol to be added to a particular style file, make it the target file using IStyleGalleryStorage::TargetFile before using IStyleGallery::AddItem.
Public Sub AddItemToStyleGallery()
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pStyleGallery As IStyleGallery
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pStyleGallery = pMxDoc.StyleGallery
    'Create the new object
    Dim pNewObject As IUnknown
    Set pNewObject = New SimpleFillSymbol
    'Assign properties specific to the style class
    Dim pSimpleFillSymbol As ISimpleFillSymbol
    Set pSimpleFillSymbol = pNewObject
    Dim pRgbColor As IRgbColor
    Set pRgbColor = New RgbColor
    With pRgbColor
        .Red = 55
        .Green = 55
        .Blue = 200
    End With
    pSimpleFillSymbol.Color = pRgbColor
    'Create new style item using object
    Dim pNewItem As IStyleGalleryItem
    Set pNewItem = New StyleGalleryItem
    pNewItem.Item = pNewObject
    pNewItem.Name = "My True Blue"
    pNewItem.Category = "My Fill Symbols"
    'Add it to the current target style file
    pStyleGallery.AddItem pNewItem
    'Inform user where the symbol has been added
    Dim pStyleStorage As IStyleGalleryStorage
    Set pStyleStorage = pStyleGallery
    MsgBox "Added a fill symbol to " & pStyleStorage.TargetFile
End Sub