Subtypes enable you to define different rules for categories of objects within a single geodatabase object class. This example shows how to copy all the subtypes from one object class (or feature class) to another. This may be useful if you have just copied an object class programmatically.
The code assumes that the two object classes have the same fields. If the destination object class is in a different geodatabase than the origin feature class, it should have the appropriate domains present, though the example code checks for this. If you use this code on a dataset that has not just been created, you should first ensure exclusive access via the ISchemaLock interface.
How to use
- Copy the two macros into your VB or VBA application.
- Edit the Main macro to point to your data. Export the OriginFC feature class to another geodatabase.
- Run the Main macro.
Public Sub CopySubtypes(pOrigObjectClass As IObjectClass, pDestObjectClass As IObjectClass)
Dim pOrigSubtypes As ISubtypes
Dim pDestSubtypes As ISubtypes
Set pOrigSubtypes = pOrigObjectClass
Set pDestSubtypes = pDestObjectClass
If Not pOrigSubtypes.HasSubtype Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Preparation for examining domains of the destination workspace -
' if we encounter any default domain settings for subtypes, we
' will need to check if the domain exists in the destination workspace
Dim pDataset As IDataset
Dim pDestWorkspaceDomains As IWorkspaceDomains
Set pDataset = pDestObjectClass
Set pDestWorkspaceDomains = pDataset.Workspace
Dim pOrigDomain As IDomain
Dim pDestDomain As IDomain
' Set which field governs the subtype
pDestSubtypes.SubtypeFieldName = pOrigSubtypes.SubtypeFieldName
' Process each origin subtype in turn
Dim pFields As IFields
Set pFields = pOrigObjectClass.Fields
Dim lSubtypeCode As Long
Dim sSubtypeName As String
Dim pEnumSubtypes As IEnumSubtype
Set pEnumSubtypes = pOrigSubtypes.Subtypes
sSubtypeName = pEnumSubtypes.Next(lSubtypeCode)
Do Until Len(sSubtypeName) = 0
' Add the subtype
pDestSubtypes.AddSubtype lSubtypeCode, sSubtypeName
' For each field, set the default value and domain for this subtype
Dim sFieldName As String
Dim lCount As Long
For lCount = 0 To pFields.FieldCount - 1
sFieldName = pFields.Field(lCount).Name
Dim vDefValue As Variant
vDefValue = pOrigSubtypes.DefaultValue(lSubtypeCode, sFieldName)
If Not IsNull(vDefValue) Then
pDestSubtypes.DefaultValue(lSubtypeCode, sFieldName) = vDefValue
End If
Set pOrigDomain = pOrigSubtypes.Domain(lSubtypeCode, sFieldName)
If Not pOrigDomain Is Nothing Then
Set pDestDomain = pDestWorkspaceDomains.DomainByName(pOrigDomain.Name)
If pDestDomain Is Nothing Then
Dim iResponse As Integer
iResponse = MsgBox(pOrigDomain.Name & ": domain does not exist in destination workspace", vbOKCancel)
If (iResponse = vbCancel) Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set pDestSubtypes.Domain(lSubtypeCode, sFieldName) = pDestDomain
End If
End If
Next lCount
sSubtypeName = pEnumSubtypes.Next(lSubtypeCode)
' Set the default subtype
pDestSubtypes.DefaultSubtypeCode = pOrigSubtypes.DefaultSubtypeCode
End Sub
Public Sub Main()
Dim pOrigFeatWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pDestFeatWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory
Set pWSF = New AccessWorkspaceFactory
'Open the origin and destination workspaces. *** Modify the pathnames appropriately.
Set pOrigFeatWorkspace = pWSF.OpenFromFile("D:\Data\Geodatabases\OriginGDB.mdb", 0)
Set pDestFeatWorkspace = pWSF.OpenFromFile("D:\Data\Geodatabases\TargetGDB.mdb", 0)
Dim pOrigFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
Dim pDestFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
'Open the origin and destination feature classes. *** Modify the feature class names appropriately.
Set pOrigFeatureClass = pOrigFeatWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("OriginFC")
Set pDestFeatureClass = pDestFeatWorkspace.OpenFeatureClass("TargetFC")
Call CopySubtypes(pOrigFeatureClass, pDestFeatureClass)
MsgBox "Subytpes copied"
End Sub