Placed inside ArcMap's VBA, this routine estimates the average point spacing of ASCII or LAS formatted point files in a folder. Output is written to the Immediate window.
How to use
- Paste the desired function code into ArcMap's VB Editor.
- Reference the ESRI GeoDatabaseExtensions Object Library.
- Reference the Miscrosoft Scripting Runtime Library.
- Run the function from a calling procedure which sends and receives the required parameters.
- Read the output written to the Immediate window in VB.
' sInputFolder is the path to the folder containing the files.
' sFileExt is the file suffix used by the point files. 'LAS' is treated as the
' LAS LiDAR format.
' bIsXYZ indicates the file format when sFileExt is not equal to 'LAS'. When TRUE
' the format is ASCII XYZ, when FALSE it's 3D ASCII GENERATE.
Public Sub GetPointSpacing(sInputFolder As String, sFileExt As String, Optional bIsXYZ As Boolean = True)
On Error GoTo EH
Dim pFSO As FileSystemObject
Set pFSO = New FileSystemObject
Dim pFolder As Folder
Set pFolder = pFSO.GetFolder(sInputFolder)
Dim pFiles As Files
Set pFiles = pFolder.Files
sFileExt = UCase(sFileExt)
Dim pImporter As ITerrainDataImporter
If (sFileExt = "LAS") Then
Set pImporter = New TerrainLasDataImporter
Dim pLasImporter As ITerrainLasDataImporter
Set pLasImporter = pImporter
pLasImporter.AddReturnNumber esriTerrainLasReturnAll
Set pImporter = New TerrainAsciiDataImporter
Dim pAsciiImporter As ITerrainAsciiDataImporter
Set pAsciiImporter = pImporter
If (bIsXYZ) Then
pAsciiImporter.FileFormat = esriTerrainAsciiDataFormatXYZ
pAsciiImporter.FileFormat = esriTerrainAsciiDataFormatGenerate
End If
End If
' Declare an array (Spacings) where the index represents the spacing,
' to the nearest whole number, and the value at the index represents the
' number of files observered with that spacing.
Const cMax As Long = 1024 ' Represents the absolute maximum spacing (feet or meters)
Dim Spacings(cMax) As Long ' this script will attempt to report.
Dim pFile As File
For Each pFile In pFiles
If (Len(pFile.ShortName) > 3) Then
Dim sSuffix As String
sSuffix = Right(pFile.ShortName, 3)
sSuffix = ""
End If
If (UCase(sSuffix) = sFileExt) Then
pImporter.AddFile pFile.Path
Dim pEnv As IEnvelope
Set pEnv = pImporter.GetDataExtent(Nothing)
Dim pArea As IArea
Set pArea = pEnv
Dim lPointCount As Long
lPointCount = pImporter.GetPointCount
' round to nearest whole number
If (lPointCount > 0) Then
Dim lSpacing As Long
lSpacing = Sqr(pArea.Area / lPointCount)
If (lSpacing <= cMax) Then
Spacings(lSpacing) = Spacings(lSpacing) + 1
End If
End If
End If
If (Not pLasImporter Is Nothing) Then
pLasImporter.AddReturnNumber esriTerrainLasReturnAll
End If
' Report histogram - number of files per spacing. Only report where observations
' are encountered.
Dim lAveSpacing As Long
lAveSpacing = 0
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To cMax
Dim lFileCount As Long
lFileCount = Spacings(i)
If (lFileCount > 0) Then
Debug.Print "Average spacing: " & i & "; Number of files: "; lFileCount
End If
Next i
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub