How to use the style selector

The Style Selector dialog box lets you choose a style item of a specific style class. For example, the BackgroundSelector allows you to choose a background style item. This sample shows you how to bring up the style selector dialog for symbol backgrounds.

How to use

  1. Copy-paste the code from this sample into a module in the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Run the procedure. The first section of the procedure brings up the style selector with the default background.
  3. The second section shows you how to set the default background before bringing up the style selector.
Private Sub SelectBackground()
    'Bring up the selector with the default background
    ' Create style selector
    Dim pSelector As IStyleSelector
    Set pSelector = New BackgroundSelector
    Dim bOK As Boolean
    Dim pFill As IFillSymbol
    Dim pBackground As ISymbolBackground
    bOK = pSelector.DoModal(Application.hWnd)
    ' Get the selected background
    If (bOK) Then
        Set pBackground = pSelector.GetStyle(0)
        Set pFill = pBackground.FillSymbol
        MsgBox "The CMYK of the chosen background's color is " & pFill.Color.CMYK
    End If
    'Set the selected symbol background of the
    'style selector before bringing it up
    ' Create style selector
    Dim pSelector2 As IStyleSelector
    Set pSelector2 = New BackgroundSelector
    Set pBackground = New SymbolBackground
    Set pFill = New SimpleFillSymbol
    Dim pRgbColor As IRgbColor
    Set pRgbColor = New RgbColor
    With pRgbColor
        .Red = 200
        .Green = 90
        .Blue = 90
    End With
    pFill.Color = pRgbColor
    pBackground.FillSymbol = pFill
    pSelector2.AddStyle pBackground
    bOK = pSelector2.DoModal(Application.hWnd)
    ' Get the selected background
    If (bOK) Then
        Set pBackground = pSelector2.GetStyle(0)
        Set pFill = pBackground.FillSymbol
        MsgBox "The CMYK of the chosen background's color is " & pFill.Color.CMYK
    End If
End Sub