How to hyperlink a feature to a web site

The sample demonstrates one way to create a hyperlink between a single feature and a web page. This sample links the ESRI web page ( to the first feature in the focus map's feature selection.
Hotlinks differ from hyperlinks in that they are set up for the entire layer rather than just a single feature. Hotlinks use a field in the database to hold the path to the related document, web site, or macro. See the Hotlink sample for an example of this.
Hyperlinks and hotlinks support three link types: documents, urls, and macros.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into VBA.
  2. Select a feature.
  3. Run the AddHyperlink Macro.
  4. Select the Hyperlink tool.
  5. The hyperlinked feature should be outline in blue.
  6. Using the Hyperlink tool, click on the feature to launch the web site.
Public Sub AddHyperlink()
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Dim pFeature As IFeature
    Dim pEnumFeature As IEnumFeature
    Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer
    Dim pHyperlinkContainer As IHyperlinkContainer
    Dim pHyperlink As IHyperlink
    Dim LayerCount As Integer
    'Grab the first feature in the selection
    'and associate a hyperlink with it.  The
    'hyperlink is saved with the map document.
    Set pMxDoc = Application.Document
    Set pEnumFeature = pMxDoc.FocusMap.FeatureSelection
    Set pFeature = pEnumFeature.Next
    If pFeature Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set pHyperlink = New Hyperlink
    pHyperlink.LinkType = esriHyperlinkTypeURL = ""
    pHyperlink.FeatureId = pFeature.OID
    'Find the feature layer the selected feature belongs to
    For LayerCount = 0 To pMxDoc.FocusMap.LayerCount - 1
        If TypeOf pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(LayerCount) Is IFeatureLayer Then
            Set pFeatureLayer = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(LayerCount)
            If pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass Is pFeature.Class Then
                'Having found the feature layer, add the hyperlink
                Set pHyperlinkContainer = pFeatureLayer 'QI
                pHyperlinkContainer.AddHyperlink pHyperlink
                Exit Sub
            End If
        End If
    Next LayerCount
End Sub