How to perform line on line event overlay

Overlaying two event tables is one way to analyze events. Events can be overlayed using a RouteMeasureEventGeoprocessor object.
The output event table can contain either the intersection or the union of the input tables. The union of the input tables splits all linear events at their intersections and writes them to the new event table. The intersection of the input events writes only overalpping events to the output event table.
A RouteMeasureEventGeoprocessor object supports line-on-line, point-on-line and point-on-point overlays.
When you overlay two linear event tables, the result may have zero length events created. By setting IRouteMeasureEventGeoprocessor::KeepZeroLengthLineEvents appropriately, you can determine whether you would like the resulting event table to contain zero length events.
When we do an overlay, we automatically do a dissolve on the output event table. See Dissolve Events sample.
The following diagram shows conceptually how line-on-line event overlay works for both the union and intersect options.
In the code at the bottom of this sample, we will find the union of a linear event table called PAV_CRACK which describes pavement cracking, and another linear event table called PAV_RESURFACE which contains resrufacing dates. The results can be used to find the characteristics of the oldest paved sections.
An event table with data on the amount of pavement cracking on route 101
An event table containing resurfacing dates for portions of route 101
This event table is the union of the event tables PAV_CRACK and PAV_RESURFACE. The data shows that the stretch of route 101 from measure 167.4 to 182.8 is the most cracked and has the oldest surface.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into VBA.
  2. Modify the code to match your data paths, etc.
  3. Run the code.
Public Sub LineOnLineUnion(sAccessWS As String, sInputEvents As String, sInputRIDField As String, sInputFromMeasureField As String, _
                           sInputToMeasureField As String, sOverlayEvents As String, sOverlayRIDField As String, sOverlayFromMeasureField As String, _
                           sOverlayToMeasureField As String, sOutEventTable As String)
    '+++ VARIABLES
    '+++ sAccessWS - access workspace
    '+++ sInputEvents - the input event table
    '+++ sInputRIDField - the Route identifier field for the input event table
    '+++ sInputFromMeasureField - the From-measure field for the input event table
    '+++ sInputToMeasureField - the To-measure field for the input event table
    '+++ sOverlayEvents - the overlay event table
    '+++ sOverlayRIDField - the Route identifier field for the overlay event table
    '+++ sOverlayFromMeasureField - the From-measure field for the overlay event table
    '+++ sOverlayToMeasureField - the To-measure field for the overlay event table
    '+++ sOutEventTable - the output event table
    On Error GoTo eh
    '+++ The input table and properties
    Dim pFact As IWorkspaceFactory
    Dim pFeatWS As IFeatureWorkspace
    Dim pInputTable As ITable
    Set pFact = New AccessWorkspaceFactory
    Set pFeatWS = pFact.OpenFromFile(sAccessWS, 0)
    Set pInputTable = pFeatWS.OpenTable(sInputEvents)
    Dim pInputProp As IRouteEventProperties2
    Dim pInputRMProp As IRouteMeasureLineProperties
    Set pInputProp = New RouteMeasureLineProperties
    With pInputProp
        .EventMeasureUnit = esriUnknownUnits
        .EventRouteIDFieldName = sInputRIDField
    End With
    Set pInputRMProp = pInputProp
    With pInputRMProp
        .FromMeasureFieldName = sInputFromMeasureField
        .ToMeasureFieldName = sInputToMeasureField
    End With
    '+++ The overlay table and properties
    Dim pOverlayTable As ITable
    Set pOverlayTable = pFeatWS.OpenTable(sOverlayEvents)
    Dim pOverlayProp As IRouteEventProperties2
    Dim pOverlayRMProp As IRouteMeasureLineProperties
    Set pOverlayProp = New RouteMeasureLineProperties
    With pOverlayProp
        .EventMeasureUnit = esriUnknownUnits
        .EventRouteIDFieldName = sOverlayRIDField
    End With
    Set pOverlayRMProp = pOverlayProp
    With pOverlayRMProp
        .FromMeasureFieldName = sOverlayFromMeasureField
        .ToMeasureFieldName = sOverlayToMeasureField
    End With
    '+++ Create some output event properties.
    Dim pOutputProp As IRouteEventProperties2
    Dim pOutputRMProp As IRouteMeasureLineProperties
    Set pOutputProp = New RouteMeasureLineProperties
    With pOutputProp
        .EventMeasureUnit = esriUnknownUnits
        .EventRouteIDFieldName = sOverlayRIDField
    End With
    Set pOutputRMProp = pOutputProp
    With pOutputRMProp
        .FromMeasureFieldName = sOverlayFromMeasureField
        .ToMeasureFieldName = sOverlayToMeasureField
    End With
    '+++ Create a new table name for the output. We'll write the results out to the
    '+++ same workspace as the input event table
    Dim pOutDSN As IDatasetName
    Dim pOutWSN As IWorkspaceName
    Dim pTempDS As IDataset
    Set pTempDS = pFeatWS
    Set pOutWSN = pTempDS.FullName
    Set pOutDSN = New TableName
    Set pOutDSN.WorkspaceName = pOutWSN
    pOutDSN.Name = sOutEventTable 'this table should not exist already
    '+++ Set up a RouteMeasureEventGeoprocessor
    Dim pRMEvtProc As IRouteMeasureEventGeoprocessor2
    Set pRMEvtProc = New RouteMeasureGeoprocessor
    With pRMEvtProc
        Set .InputEventProperties = pInputRMProp
        Set .InputTable = pInputTable
        Set .OverlayEventProperties = pOverlayRMProp
        Set .OverlayTable = pOverlayTable
        .KeepZeroLengthLineEvents = True
    End With
    '+++ Perform the overlay
    Dim pOutTable As ITable
    Set pOutTable = pRMEvtProc.Union2(pOutputRMProp, True, pOutDSN, Nothing, "")
    GoTo endproc
    Dim lNum As Long, sSrc As String, sDesc As String
    lNum = Err.Number
    sSrc = Err.Source
    sDesc = Err.Description
    Err.Raise lNum, sSrc, sDesc
End Sub

Additional Requirements
  • ArcEditor at 9.0; ArcView at 9.1 forward