How to standardize an address

This VBA code demonstrates how to standardize a single address. The standardization results are displayed by this code.
If the Locator you are using supports intersection geocoding, then you must check each address to determine whether or not it is an intersection. Intersections are usually standardized differently than other addresses.

How to use

  1. Paste this code into VBA.
  2. If you are using ArcMap, add a geocoding service to the document, and make it the current geocoding service. You can do this by choosing the geocoding service on the Addresses tab of the Find dialog box.
  3. If you are using ArcCatalog, click a geocoding service in the ArcCatalog tree.
  4. Run the StandardizeAddress macro.
  5. When prompted, type the address that you want to find. Separate the address components with commas.
Private Const ERR_DESCRIPTION_WRONGNUMBEROFINPUTS = "The wrong number of address fields were specified."
Private Const ERR_DESCRIPTION_REQUIREDFIELDMISSING = "A required address field was missing."

Private Const MESSAGEBOX_TITLE = "Standardize Address Geocoding Developer Tip"

Public Sub StandardizeAddress()
    Dim pApplication As esriFramework.IApplication '+++ reference to the parent application
    Dim pGxApplication As esriCatalogUI.IGxApplication '+++ ArcCatalog application
    Dim pMxApplication As esriArcMapUI.IMxApplication '+++ ArcMap application
    Dim pGxObject As esriCatalog.IGxObject '+++ selected object in ArcCatalog
    Dim pGxLocator As esriCatalog.IGxLocator '+++ selected locator in ArcCatalog
    Dim pLocator As esriGeoDatabase.ILocator '+++ locator
    Dim pAddressInputs As esriLocation.IAddressInputs '+++ IAddressInputs interface on the locator
    Dim pAddressFields As esriGeoDatabase.IFields '+++ address input fields
    Dim i As Long '+++ loop counter
    Dim pField As esriGeoDatabase.IField '+++ field
    Dim strAddressFields As String '+++ string containing address field names
    Dim strAddress As String '+++ address string
    Dim pAddressPropertySet As esriSystem.IPropertySet '+++ PropertySet containing input address components
    Dim pAdvancedGeocoding As esriLocation.IAdvancedGeocoding '+++ IAdvancedGeocoding interface on the locator
    Dim pStandardizedPropertySet As esriSystem.IPropertySet '+++ PropertySet containing the standardized address
    Dim binIntersection As Boolean '+++ indicates if the address is an intersection address
    Dim pAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding As esriLocation.IAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding '+++ IAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding on the locator
    Dim pStandardizeFields As esriGeoDatabase.IFields '+++ Fields collection for a standardized address
    Dim strStandardize As String '+++ string containing the standardize results
    Dim pUID As esriSystem.UID '+++ UID for the LocatorExtension
    Dim pLocatorExtension As esriLocationui.ILocatorExtension '+++ LocatorExtension object
    Dim lngCurrentLocator As Long '+++ index to the current locator in ArcMap
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    '+++  get a reference to the parent application
    Set pApplication = ThisDocument.Parent
    If (TypeOf pApplication Is esriCatalogUI.IGxApplication) Then
        Set pGxApplication = pApplication
    ElseIf (TypeOf pApplication Is esriArcMapUI.IMxApplication) Then
        Set pMxApplication = pApplication
    End If
    '+++ get a locator from the application
    If (TypeOf pApplication Is esriCatalogUI.IGxApplication) Then
        Set pGxObject = pGxApplication.SelectedObject
        If Not (TypeOf pGxObject Is esriCatalog.IGxLocator) Then
            MsgBox "The selected object is not a locator."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set pGxLocator = pGxObject
        Set pLocator = pGxLocator.Locator
    ElseIf (TypeOf pApplication Is esriArcMapUI.IMxApplication) Then
        Set pUID = New esriSystem.UID
        pUID.Value = "esriLocationUI.LocatorExtension"
        Set pLocatorExtension = pApplication.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID)
        If pLocatorExtension.LocatorCount("Address") = 0 Then
            MsgBox "There are no locators in the document.", vbCritical, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE
            Exit Sub
        End If
        lngCurrentLocator = pLocatorExtension.CurrentLocator("Address")
        If lngCurrentLocator = -1 Then
            MsgBox "The ArcMap document does not have a current locator.", vbCritical, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set pLocator = pLocatorExtension.Locator("Address", lngCurrentLocator)
    End If
    '+++ get the address input fields for the locator
    If Not (TypeOf pLocator Is esriLocation.IAddressInputs) Then
        MsgBox "The selected locator is not an address locator."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set pAddressInputs = pLocator
    Set pAddressFields = pAddressInputs.AddressFields
    For i = 0 To pAddressFields.FieldCount - 1
        Set pField = pAddressFields.Field(i)
        strAddressFields = strAddressFields & pField.Name
        If Not i = pAddressFields.FieldCount - 1 Then
            strAddressFields = strAddressFields & ","
        End If
    Next i
    '+++ prompt the user for the address
        strAddress = InputBox("Enter an address, separating the address fields with commas. " & _
                     vbNewLine & vbNewLine & strAddressFields & ":", MESSAGEBOX_TITLE, strAddress)
        If strAddress = "" Then Exit Sub
        '+++ construct the address PropertySet
        Set pAddressPropertySet = ConstructAddressPropertySet(pAddressFields, strAddress)
        If Not pAddressPropertySet Is Nothing Then Exit Do
    '+++ standardize the address
    Set pAdvancedGeocoding = pLocator
    Set pStandardizedPropertySet = pAdvancedGeocoding.StandardizeAddress(pAddressPropertySet, binIntersection)
    '+++ if this is an intersection, then get the standardize fields for intersection
    If binIntersection Then
        Set pAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding = pLocator
        Set pStandardizeFields = pAdvancedIntersectionGeocoding.StandardizeIntersectionFields
        Set pStandardizeFields = pAdvancedGeocoding.StandardizeFields
    End If
    '+++ get the standardized address components
    For i = 0 To pStandardizeFields.FieldCount - 1
        Set pField = pStandardizeFields.Field(i)
        If Not (pField.Type = esriFieldTypeBlob Or pField.Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry Or pField.Type = esriFieldTypeOID) Then
            strStandardize = strStandardize & pField.AliasName & ": " & pStandardizedPropertySet.GetProperty(pField.Name) & vbNewLine
        End If
    Next i
    MsgBox strStandardize, vbInformation, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE
    Exit Sub
        If MsgBox("An unexpected error occurred." & vbNewLine & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbRetryCancel, MESSAGEBOX_TITLE) = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
        Resume Next
    End If
End Sub

Private Function ConstructAddressPropertySet(pFields As esriGeoDatabase.IFields, strAddress As String) As esriSystem.IPropertySet
    Dim i As Long '+++ loop counter
    Dim strAddressComponents() As String '+++ array of address components
    Dim pField As esriGeoDatabase.IField '+++ address field
    Dim pPropertySet As esriSystem.IPropertySet '+++ PropertySet containing address components
    '+++ parse the address string to get the address components
    strAddressComponents = Split(strAddress, ",")
    If Not UBound(strAddressComponents) = pFields.FieldCount - 1 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
    '+++ construct the PropertySet containing the address components
    Set pPropertySet = New esriSystem.PropertySet
    For i = 0 To UBound(strAddressComponents)
        Set pField = pFields.Field(i)
        If pField.Required = True And strAddressComponents(i) = "" Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        pPropertySet.SetProperty pField.Name, strAddressComponents(i)
    Next i
    Set ConstructAddressPropertySet = pPropertySet
End Function

Additional Requirements
  • A locator.