How to add event error codes to the event table

In a RouteEventSource, there is one feature for every row of the original event table. In some cases, however, the features have empty shapes. This is because there was some reason the event could not be properly located. Other times, an event can only be partially located (this happens for line events only). The IEventSourceErrors interface exposes some methods that allow you to determine the locating errors of events. The following sample shows how to add a field to an event source. Then a cursor is established which loops through all the features and figures out if the event located properly.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into VBA.
  2. Write code that calls AddEventErrors
Public Sub AddEventErrors(pRES As IRouteEventSource)
    '+++ Refer to other Dynamic Segmentation samples on how to create a
    '+++ RouteEventSource object
    On Error GoTo eh
    '+++ Create a field called ErrCode
    Dim pFld As IFieldEdit
    Set pFld = New Field
    With pFld
        .Name = "ErrCode"
        .Type = esriFieldTypeString
        .Length = 50
    End With
    '+++ Add the field to the route event source (this actually adds the field to
    '+++ the event table)
    Dim pFC As IFeatureClass
    Set pFC = pRES
    pFC.AddField pFld
    '+++ Create an Update cursor. This means changes cannot be undone.
    Dim pCur As IFeatureCursor
    Set pCur = pFC.Update(Nothing, False)
    '+++ Find the index field
    Dim lIdx As Long
    Dim pFlds As IFields
    Set pFlds = pCur.Fields
    lIdx = pCur.FindField("ErrCode")
    '+++ QI for the IEventSourceErrors interface. This gives us access to the locating
    '+++ errors
    Dim pESErrors As IEventSourceErrors
    Dim pFeat As IFeature
    Dim lError As esriLocatingError
    Set pESErrors = pRES
    '+++ Loop through the features in a route event source and get the errors
    Set pFeat = pCur.NextFeature
    While Not pFeat Is Nothing
        lError = pESErrors.GetLocatingErrorRow(pFeat)
        pFeat.Value(lIdx) = GetEventError(lError)
        pCur.UpdateFeature pFeat
        Set pFeat = pCur.NextFeature
    Set pCur = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    Dim sDesc As String
    sDesc = Err.Description
    Debug.Print sDesc
    MsgBox sDesc, vbExclamation, "Error in AddEventErrors"
End Sub

Public Function GetEventError(LocError As esriLocatingError) As String
    Select Case LocError
        Case 0
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_OK"
        Case 1
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_INVALIDRID"
        Case 2
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_INVALIDMEASURE"
        Case 3
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_ROUTE"
        Case 4
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_ROUTE_SHAPE_EMPTY"
        Case 5
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_LOCATION"
        Case 6
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_CANT_FIND_EXTENT"
        Case 7
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_FROM_PARTIAL_MATCH"
        Case 8
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_TO_PARTIAL_MATCH"
        Case 9
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_ROUTE_MS_NULL"
        Case 10
            GetEventError = "LOCATING_E_ROUTE_NOT_MAWARE"
        Case 11
        Case Else
            GetEventError = "INVALID_LOCATING_ERROR"
    End Select
End Function

Additional Requirements
  • ArcEditor at 9.0; ArcView at 9.1 forward