How to interpolate using RasterInterpolationOp and IGeoAnalysisSemivariogram

This sample code demonstrates how to interpolate, using kriging, a point shapefile/feature class to a raster by using the GeoAnalysisSemiVariogram object.

How to use

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Add a point shapefile/feature class that has a value field into ArcMap.
  3. Make sure that the Spatial Analyst Extension is turned on.
  4. Paste the following code into VBA.
  5. Change the field name and specify a cell size to fit your data.
  6. Change the semi-variogram input parameters.
  7. Set a reference to the ESRI GeoAnalyst Object Library.
  8. Run the sub from the Macros dialog.
Sub GeoAnalysisSemiVariogram()
    'Get the focused map from MapDocument
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
    'Get the feature class from first layer
    Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer
    Set pFLayer = pMap.Layer(0)
    Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
    Set pFClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass
    'Specify the fieldname
    Dim sFieldName As String
    sFieldName = "height"
    'Create FeatureClassDescriptor using a value field
    Dim pFCDescriptor As IFeatureClassDescriptor
    Set pFCDescriptor = New FeatureClassDescriptor
    pFCDescriptor.Create pFClass, Nothing, sFieldName
    'Create the Semi-variogram
    Dim pSemiVariogram As IGeoAnalysisSemiVariogram
    Set pSemiVariogram = New GeoAnalysisSemiVariogram
    'Define and set the parameters
    Dim dRange As Double
    Dim dSill As Double
    Dim dNugget As Double
    Dim dLag As Double
    dRange = 2.6185
    dSill = 542.65
    dNugget = 0
    dLag = 0.4496
    pSemiVariogram.Lag = dLag
    pSemiVariogram.DefineVariogram esriGeoAnalysisExponentialSemiVariogram, dRange, dSill, dNugget
    'Create radius using variable distance
    Dim pRadius As IRasterRadius
    Set pRadius = New RasterRadius
    pRadius.SetVariable 5
    'Create a RasterInterpolationOp object
    Dim pInterpolationOp As IInterpolationOp
    Set pInterpolationOp = New RasterInterpolationOp
    'Create Raster Analysis Environment
    Dim pEnv As IRasterAnalysisEnvironment
    Set pEnv = pInterpolationOp
    'set output cell size
    pEnv.SetCellSize esriRasterEnvValue, 1
    'Perform kriging interpolation using the semi-variogram method
    Dim pOutRaster As IRaster
    Set pOutRaster = pInterpolationOp.Variogram(pFCDescriptor, pSemiVariogram, pRadius, False)
    'Add output into ArcMap as a raster layer
    Dim pOutRasLayer As IRasterLayer
    Set pOutRasLayer = New RasterLayer
    pOutRasLayer.CreateFromRaster pOutRaster
    pMap.AddLayer pOutRasLayer
End Sub