How to flash a 3D location

This routine accepts an IPoint interface and uses the IDisplay3D interface of ArcGlobe's GlobeDisplay to flash the location.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into VBA.
  2. In a calling procedure, create a Point, populate its coordinates, and pass its IPoint interface to the FlashLocation3D procedure.
  3. Run the calling procedure.
Public Sub FlashLocation3D(pLoc As IPoint)
    Dim pApp As IApplication
    Set pApp = Application
    If TypeOf pApp Is IGMxApplication Then
        Dim pGMxDoc As IGMxDocument
        Set pGMxDoc = pApp.Document
        Dim pGlobe As IGlobe
        Set pGlobe = pGMxDoc.Scene
        Dim pGlobeDisp As IGlobeDisplay
        Set pGlobeDisp = pGlobe.GlobeDisplay
        Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D
        Set pDisplay3D = pGlobeDisp
        pDisplay3D.FlashLocation pLoc
    End If
End Sub