How to add an extent graphic for selected layers

This function reads the extent information from any selected layers in the Table Of Contents in ArcScene, and adds a graphic representing the full 3D extent of these layers to the application.
The intent of this sample is to demonstrate how to query the extent information in a layer, how to construct a multipatch geometry from the extent coordinates, and how to add graphic elements to the application.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into an ArcScene VBA session and call the macro 'Add3DBoundingBoxForSelectedLayers'.
Option Explicit

'' Declare module level variables
Private m_SxDoc As ISxDocument
Private m_Scene As IScene

'' get the cumulative envelope\extent of each layer, and add as a graphic:

Public Sub Add3DBoundingBoxForSelectedLayers()
    On Error GoTo AddExtentGraphicForSelectedLayers_ERR
    ' Set the variables
    Dim pLayerArray As IArray
    ' return all selected layers:
    Set pLayerArray = GetDocLayers(True)
    If pLayerArray Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Please select at least one layer in the Table of Contents", , "Add 3D Bounding Box"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Dim pExtent As IEnvelope
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim pPoly As IPointCollection
    Dim pPt As IPoint
    Dim xMin As Double, xMax As Double
    Dim yMin As Double, yMax As Double
    Dim zMin As Double, zMax As Double
    ' set flag that the first extent needs to be noted:
    Dim bStart As Boolean
    bStart = True
    ' for each layer, ask the scenegraph for it's 3D extent:
    For i = 0 To pLayerArray.Count - 1
        Set pLayer = pLayerArray.Element(i)
        Set pExtent = m_Scene.SceneGraph.OwnerExtent(pLayer, False)
        ' track the cumulative extent:
        If pExtent.xMax > xMax Or bStart Then xMax = pExtent.xMax
        If pExtent.xMin < xMin Or bStart Then xMin = pExtent.xMin
        If pExtent.yMax > yMax Or bStart Then yMax = pExtent.yMax
        If pExtent.yMin < yMin Or bStart Then yMin = pExtent.yMin
        If pExtent.zMax > zMax Or bStart Then zMax = pExtent.zMax
        If pExtent.zMin < zMin Or bStart Then zMin = pExtent.zMin
        ' only track if outside the currently stored envelope:
        bStart = False
    ' build a 3D flat polygon:
    Set pPoly = New Polygon
    Set pPt = New Point
    ' set the ZAware flag so the polygon can store Z's
    Dim pZAware As IZAware
    Set pZAware = pPoly
    pZAware.ZAware = True
    ' add the points of the 'footprint':
    Set pPt = New Point
    pPt.X = xMin
    pPt.Y = yMin
    pPt.Z = zMin
    pPoly.AddPoint pPt
    Set pPt = New Point
    pPt.X = xMin
    pPt.Y = yMax
    pPt.Z = zMin
    pPoly.AddPoint pPt
    Set pPt = New Point
    pPt.X = xMax
    pPt.Y = yMax
    pPt.Z = zMin
    pPoly.AddPoint pPt
    Set pPt = New Point
    pPt.X = xMax
    pPt.Y = yMin
    pPt.Z = zMin
    pPoly.AddPoint pPt
    'close the polygon geometry:
    Dim pPolygon As IPolygon
    Set pPolygon = pPoly
    ' construct a multipatch from the footprint to the zMax height:
    Dim pMultipatch As IMultiPatch
    Set pMultipatch = New MultiPatch
    Dim pMC As IConstructMultiPatch
    Set pMC = pMultipatch
    pMC.ConstructExtrudeAbsolute zMax, pPoly
    ' create a new 3D graphics layer, add our multipatch element to it,
    ' and set the transparancy so the bounding box does not hide the
    ' features inside of it:
    Dim pGLayer As IGraphicsLayer
    Set pGLayer = AddNew3DGraphicsLayer("layer bounding box")
    Dim pLayerEffects As ILayerEffects
    Set pLayerEffects = pGLayer
    pLayerEffects.Transparency = 27
    ' finally, add the graphic element to the graphics layer:
    AddGraphic pMultipatch, , , , , pGLayer
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "AddExtentGraphicForSelectedLayers_ERR: " & Err.Description
    Debug.Assert 0
End Sub

' Set the variables

Private Sub SetVariables()
    Set m_SxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set m_Scene = m_SxDoc.Scene
End Sub

' Add graphic to passed application. App needs to be ArcMap or ArcScene. If ArcMap, the graphic
' is added to the BasicGraphicsLayer of the ActiveView FocusMap. If ArcScene, the graphic is
' added to the BasicGraphicsLayer of the scene, unless the graphics container is passed in.

Private Sub AddGraphic(pGeom As IGeometry, Optional pSym As ISymbol, Optional bAddToSelection As Boolean = False, _
                       Optional bRefresh As Boolean, Optional sElementName As String, _
                       Optional pGC3D As IGraphicsContainer3D)
    On Error GoTo EH
    If (pGeom.IsEmpty) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim pElemProps As IElementProperties
    Dim pElement As IElement
    Dim pFillElement As IFillShapeElement
    Select Case pGeom.GeometryType
        Case esriGeometryPoint
            Set pElement = New MarkerElement
            Dim pPointElement As IMarkerElement
            Set pPointElement = pElement
            If (Not pSym Is Nothing) Then
                pPointElement.Symbol = pSym
                pPointElement.Symbol = GetDefaultSymbol(esriGeometryPoint)
            End If
        Case esriGeometryPolyline
            Set pElement = New LineElement
            Dim pLineElement As ILineElement
            Set pLineElement = pElement
            If (Not pSym Is Nothing) Then
                pLineElement.Symbol = pSym
                pLineElement.Symbol = GetDefaultSymbol(esriGeometryPolyline)
            End If
        Case esriGeometryPolygon
            Set pElement = New PolygonElement
            Set pFillElement = pElement
            If (Not pSym Is Nothing) Then
                pFillElement.Symbol = pSym
                pFillElement.Symbol = GetDefaultSymbol(esriGeometryPolygon)
            End If
        Case esriGeometryMultiPatch
            Set pElement = New MultiPatchElement
            Set pFillElement = pElement
            If (Not pSym Is Nothing) Then
                pFillElement.Symbol = pSym
                pFillElement.Symbol = GetDefaultSymbol(esriGeometryMultiPatch)
            End If
    End Select
    pElement.Geometry = pGeom
    Dim pGLayer As IGraphicsLayer
    Dim pGCon3D As IGraphicsContainer3D
    If pGC3D Is Nothing Then
        Set pGLayer = m_SxDoc.Scene.BasicGraphicsLayer
        Set pGCon3D = pGLayer
        Set pGCon3D = pGC3D
    End If
    If Len(sElementName) > 0 Then
        Set pElemProps = pElement
        pElemProps.Name = sElementName
    End If
    pGCon3D.AddElement pElement
    If bRefresh Then
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "AddGraphic_ERR: " & Err.Description
    Debug.Assert 0
    Resume Next
End Sub

''   given type of passed in IApplication and geometry type, return the default symbol

Private Function GetDefaultSymbol(eType As esriGeometryType) As ISymbol
    On Error GoTo EH
    Dim pDefaults As IBasicDocumentDefaultSymbols
    Dim pSym As ISymbol
    Set pDefaults = m_SxDoc
    Select Case eType
        Case esriGeometryPoint
            Set pSym = pDefaults.MarkerSymbol
        Case esriGeometryPolyline
            Set pSym = pDefaults.LineSymbol
        Case esriGeometryPolygon, esriGeometryMultiPatch
            Set pSym = pDefaults.FillSymbol
    End Select
    Set GetDefaultSymbol = pSym
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "GetDefaultSymbol_ERR: " & Err.Description
    Debug.Assert 0
End Function

''   return an IEnumLayer of layers in current document'

Private Function GetDocLayers(Optional bOnlySelected As Boolean) As IArray
    Dim pTOC As IContentsView
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim m_Scene As IScene
    Dim ppSet As ISet
    Dim p
    Dim pLayers As IArray
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    On Error GoTo GetDocLayers_ERR
    If Not bOnlySelected Then
        Set pLayers = New esriSystem.Array
        For i = 0 To m_Scene.LayerCount - 1
            pLayers.Add m_Scene.Layer(i)
        Set GetDocLayers = pLayers
        Exit Function
        Dim pSxTOC As ISxContentsView
        Set pSxTOC = m_SxDoc.ContentsView(0)
    End If
    If Not pTOC Is Nothing Then
        If IsNull(pTOC.SelectedItem) Then Exit Function
        Set p = pTOC.SelectedItem
    ElseIf Not pSxTOC Is Nothing Then
        If IsNull(pSxTOC.SelectedItem) Then Exit Function
        Set p = pSxTOC.SelectedItem
    End If
    Set pLayers = New esriSystem.Array
    If TypeOf p Is ISet Then
        Set ppSet = p
        For i = 0 To ppSet.Count
            Set pLayer = ppSet.Next
            If Not pLayer Is Nothing Then
                pLayers.Add pLayer
            End If
    ElseIf TypeOf p Is ILayer Then
        Set pLayer = p
        pLayers.Add pLayer
    End If
    If pLayers.Count > 0 Then
        Set GetDocLayers = pLayers
    End If
    Exit Function
    Debug.Print "GetDocLayers_ERR: " & Err.Description
    Debug.Assert 0
End Function

'' create a new named graphics layer and add to the document'

Private Function AddNew3DGraphicsLayer(Optional sName As String) As IGraphicsLayer
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim pGLayer As IGraphicsLayer
    Set pGLayer = New GraphicsLayer3D
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Set pLayer = pGLayer
    If Len(sName) < 1 Then
        pLayer.Name = InputBox("Name of New Graphics Layer?", "Graphics Layer", "Graphics")
        pLayer.Name = sName
    End If
    m_SxDoc.AddLayer pGLayer
    Set AddNew3DGraphicsLayer = pGLayer
End Function