This code demonstrates how to create a new point event table by locating point features along routes. The new event table can be added to ArcMap as a layer using dynamic segmentation.
How to use
- Paste the code into your project.
- Change the code to point to your data
- Run the code.
Public Sub LocatePointsAlongRoutes(sAccessWS As String, sRouteFC As String, sPointFC As String, sRouteIDField As String, sOutEvents As String)
'+++ sAccessWS - access workspace
'+++ sRouteFC - the route feature class
'+++ sPointFC - the point feature class
'+++ sRouteIDField - the route identifier field for sRouteFC
'+++ sOutEvents - the output event table
On Error GoTo eh
'+++ Get the point feature class and the route feature class. We'll assume that they come from the
'+++ same workspace.
Dim pWS As IWorkspace
Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory
Dim pFWS As IFeatureWorkspace
Dim pRouteFC As IFeatureClass
Dim pPointFC As IFeatureClass
Set pWSF = New ShapefileWorkspaceFactory
Set pWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(sAccessWS, 0)
Set pFWS = pWS
Set pRouteFC = pFWS.OpenFeatureClass(sRouteFC)
Set pPointFC = pFWS.OpenFeatureClass(sPointFC)
'+++Set up a RouteMeasureLocator object.
Dim pTempName As IName
Dim pTempDs As IDataset
Dim pRMLocName As IRouteLocatorName
Dim pRtLoc As IRouteLocator
Set pTempDs = pRouteFC
Set pTempName = pTempDs.FullName
Set pRMLocName = New RouteMeasureLocatorName
With pRMLocName
Set .RouteFeatureClassName = pTempName
.RouteIDFieldName = sRouteIDField
.RouteIDIsUnique = True
End With
Set pTempName = pRMLocName
Set pRtLoc = pTempName.Open
'+++ Create an output table name object. We'll write to the same
'+++ workspace as the input routes and points
Dim pOutDSN As IDatasetName
Dim pOutWSN As IWorkspaceName
Set pTempDs = pWS
Set pOutWSN = pTempDs.FullName
Set pOutDSN = New TableName
Set pOutDSN.WorkspaceName = pOutWSN
pOutDSN.Name = sOutEvents 'this table should not exist already
'+++ Create RouteLocatorOperations object. Note that you can use a selection set of points. If you want to do this,
'+++ set the InputFeatureSelection property instead of the InputFeatureClass property.
Dim pRouteLocOps As IRouteLocatorOperations
Set pRouteLocOps = New RouteLocatorOperations
With pRouteLocOps
Set .RouteLocator = pRtLoc
Set .InputFeatureClass = pPointFC
End With
'+++ Set event properties for the output point event table. The field names specified will be written to the
'+++ output table.
Dim pEventProps As IRouteEventProperties
Dim pRMPointProps As IRouteMeasurePointProperties
Set pEventProps = New RouteMeasurePointProperties
pEventProps.EventRouteIDFieldName = "RKEY"
pEventProps.LateralOffsetFieldName = "DIST" 'optional
Set pRMPointProps = pEventProps
pRMPointProps.MeasureFieldName = "MEASURE"
'+++ Locate the points along the routes
Dim pOutTable As ITable
Dim dSearchRadius As Double
Dim bSearchMultiple As Boolean
Dim bKeepAllFields As Boolean
dSearchRadius = 1 'specified in the units of the route feature class's coordinate system
bSearchMultiple = False 'find only the closest route location
bKeepAllFields = True 'keep all of the input point feature class's attributes
Set pOutTable = pRouteLocOps.LocatePointFeatures(dSearchRadius, bSearchMultiple, pEventProps, bKeepAllFields, pOutDSN, "", Nothing)
Exit Sub
Dim lNum As Long, sSrc As String, sDesc As String
lNum = Err.Number
sSrc = Err.Source
sDesc = Err.Description
Err.Raise lNum, sSrc, sDesc
End Sub