This tip demonstrates how to add a WMS layer to ArcMap programatically. Although this sample code is intended to work with ArcMap it can also be used with ArcGIS Engine.
How to use
- Copy the subroutine to the VBA Editor of an opened map document.
- Execute the subroutine.
Private Sub AddWMSLayer()
'' Create an WMSMapLayer Instance - this will be added to the map later
Dim wmsMapLayer As IWMSGroupLayer
Set wmsMapLayer = New wmsMapLayer
'' create and configure wms connection name
'' this is used to store the connection properties
Dim connName As IWMSConnectionName
Set connName = New WMSConnectionName
Dim propSet As IPropertySet
Set propSet = New PropertySet
propSet.SetProperty "URL", ""
connName.ConnectionProperties = propSet
'' uses the name information to connect to the service
Dim dataLayer As IDataLayer
Set dataLayer = wmsMapLayer
dataLayer.Connect connName
'' get service description out of the layer
'' the service description contains inforamtion about the wms categories
'' and layers supported by the service
Dim serviceDesc As IWMSServiceDescription
Set serviceDesc = wmsMapLayer.WMSServiceDescription
'' for each wms layer either add the stand-alone layer or
'' group layer to the WMSMapLayer which will be added to ArcMap
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To serviceDesc.LayerDescriptionCount - 1
Dim layerDesc As IWMSLayerDescription
Set layerDesc = serviceDesc.LayerDescription(i)
Dim newLayer As ILayer
If (layerDesc.LayerDescriptionCount = 0) Then
Dim newWMSLayer As IWMSLayer
Set newWMSLayer = wmsMapLayer.CreateWMSLayer(layerDesc)
Set newLayer = newWMSLayer
Dim grpLayer As IWMSGroupLayer
Set grpLayer = wmsMapLayer.CreateWMSGroupLayers(layerDesc)
Set newLayer = grpLayer
End If
wmsMapLayer.InsertLayer newLayer, 0
'' Configure the layer before adding it to the map
Dim layer As ILayer
Set layer = wmsMapLayer
layer.Name = serviceDesc.WMSTitle
'' add layer to Map
Dim mxDoc As IMxDocument
Set mxDoc = Document
mxDoc.FocusMap.AddLayer wmsMapLayer
Dim activeView As IActiveView
Set activeView = mxDoc.FocusMap
End Sub