How to get a symbol from the style gallery

This sample illustrates how you can access a symbol stored in a style gallery. Typically, you would use it to symbolize a feature or geometry.

How to use

  1. Copy-paste the code from this sample into a module in the Visual Basic Editor.
  2. Click on View > Immediate Window if you do not already have the Immediate Window open.
  3. Run the procedure. Examine the output in the Immediate window.
Public Sub UseSymbolFromStyleGallery()
    Dim pStyleStorage As IStyleGalleryStorage
    Dim pStyleGallery As IStyleGallery
    Dim pStyleClass As IStyleGalleryClass
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pStyleGallery = pMxDoc.StyleGallery
    Set pStyleStorage = pStyleGallery
    Dim pEnumStyleGall As IEnumStyleGalleryItem
    Dim pStyleItem As IStyleGalleryItem
    Dim pMarkerSym As IMarkerSymbol
    'Initialize the style gallery
    Set pEnumStyleGall = pStyleGallery.Items("Marker Symbols", "", _
    Set pStyleItem = pEnumStyleGall.Next
    Do While Not pStyleItem Is Nothing 'Loop through and access each marker
        Set pMarkerSym = pStyleItem.Item
        Debug.Print pStyleItem.Name & " " & pMarkerSym.Size
        Set pStyleItem = pEnumStyleGall.Next
End Sub