How to export the active view

This sample demonstrates how to export the active view to any of the ten supported graphics file formats. Using this sample in its current state will export a PDF file to C:\. You can easily modify it to produce other export formats, saved to a location of your choice.

How to use

  1. Paste this code into the Visual Basic editor and select Run Sub from the Run menu.
Private Declare Function GetDeviceCaps Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ReleaseDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hdc As Long) As Long

Public Sub ExportActiveView()
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
    Dim pExport As IExport
    Dim iPrevOutputImageQuality As Long
    Dim pOutputRasterSettings As IOutputRasterSettings
    Dim pPixelBoundsEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim exportRECT As tagRECT
    Dim DisplayBounds As tagRECT
    Dim pDisplayTransformation As IDisplayTransformation
    Dim pPageLayout As IPageLayout
    Dim pMapExtEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim hdc As Long
    Dim tmpDC As Long
    Dim sNameRoot As String
    Dim sOutputDir As String
    Dim iOutputResolution As Long
    Dim iScreenResolution As Long
    Dim bContinue As Boolean
    Dim msg As String
    Dim pTrackCancel As ITrackCancel
    Dim pGraphicsExtentEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim bClipToGraphicsExtent As Boolean
    Dim pUnitConvertor As IUnitConverter
    Set pMxDoc = Application.Document
    Set pActiveView = pMxDoc.ActiveView
    Set pTrackCancel = New CancelTracker
    'Create an ExportPDF object and QI the pExport interface pointer onto it.
    ' To export to a format other than PDF, simply create a different CoClass here
    Set pExport = New ExportPDF
    'assign a resolution for the export in dpi
    iOutputResolution = 300
    'assign True or False to determin is export image will be clipped to the graphic extent of layout elements.
    'this value is ignored for data view exports
    bClipToGraphicsExtent = True
    Set pOutputRasterSettings = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation
    iPrevOutputImageQuality = pOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio
    ' Output Image Quality of the export.  The value here will only be used if the export
    '  object is a format that allows setting of Output Image Quality, i.e. a vector exporter.
    '  The value assigned to ResampleRatio should be in the range 1 to 5.
    '  1 corresponds to "Best", 5 corresponds to "Fast"
    If TypeOf pExport Is IExportImage Then
        'always set the output quality of the display to 1 for image export formats
        SetOutputQuality pActiveView, 1
    ElseIf TypeOf pExport Is IOutputRasterSettings Then
        ' for vector formats, assign a ResampleRatio to control drawing of raster layers at export time
        Set pOutputRasterSettings = pExport
        pOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = 1
        Set pOutputRasterSettings = Nothing
    End If
    'assign the output path and filename.  We can use the Filter property of the export object to
    ' automatically assign the proper extension to the file.
    sOutputDir = "C:\"
    sNameRoot = Left(ThisDocument.Title, Len(ThisDocument.Title) - 4)
    pExport.ExportFileName = sOutputDir & sNameRoot & "." & Right(Split(pExport.Filter, "|")(1), _
                             Len(Split(pExport.Filter, "|")(1)) - 2)
    tmpDC = GetDC(0)
    iScreenResolution = GetDeviceCaps(tmpDC, 88) '88 is the win32 const for Logical pixels/inch in X)
    ReleaseDC 0, tmpDC
    pExport.Resolution = iOutputResolution
    If TypeOf pActiveView Is IPageLayout Then
        DisplayBounds = pActiveView.ExportFrame
        Set pMapExtEnv = pGraphicsExtentEnv
        Set pDisplayTransformation = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation
        DisplayBounds.Left = 0
        DisplayBounds.Top = 0
        DisplayBounds.Right = pDisplayTransformation.DeviceFrame.Right
        DisplayBounds.bottom = pDisplayTransformation.DeviceFrame.bottom
        Set pMapExtEnv = New Envelope
        Set pMapExtEnv = pDisplayTransformation.FittedBounds
    End If
    Set pPixelBoundsEnv = New Envelope
    If bClipToGraphicsExtent And (TypeOf pActiveView Is IPageLayout) Then
        Set pGraphicsExtentEnv = GetGraphicsExtent(pActiveView)
        Set pPageLayout = pActiveView
        Set pUnitConvertor = New UnitConverter
        'assign the x and y values representing the clipped area to the PixelBounds envelope
        pPixelBoundsEnv.XMin = 0
        pPixelBoundsEnv.YMin = 0
        pPixelBoundsEnv.XMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(pGraphicsExtentEnv.XMax, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriInches) * pExport.Resolution _
                               - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(pGraphicsExtentEnv.XMin, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriInches) * pExport.Resolution
        pPixelBoundsEnv.YMax = pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(pGraphicsExtentEnv.YMax, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriInches) * pExport.Resolution _
                               - pUnitConvertor.ConvertUnits(pGraphicsExtentEnv.YMin, pPageLayout.Page.Units, esriInches) * pExport.Resolution
        'assign the x and y values representing the clipped export extent to the exportRECT
        With exportRECT
            .bottom = Fix(pPixelBoundsEnv.YMax) + 1
            .Left = Fix(pPixelBoundsEnv.XMin)
            .Top = Fix(pPixelBoundsEnv.YMin)
            .Right = Fix(pPixelBoundsEnv.XMax) + 1
        End With
        Set pMapExtEnv = pGraphicsExtentEnv
        'The values in the exportRECT tagRECT correspond to the width
        ' and height to export, measured in pixels with an origin in the top left corner.
        With exportRECT
            .bottom = DisplayBounds.bottom * (iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution)
            .Left = DisplayBounds.Left * (iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution)
            .Top = DisplayBounds.Top * (iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution)
            .Right = DisplayBounds.Right * (iOutputResolution / iScreenResolution)
        End With
        'populate the PixelBounds envelope with the values from exportRECT.
        ' We need to do this because the exporter object requires an envelope object
        ' instead of a tagRECT structure.
        pPixelBoundsEnv.PutCoords exportRECT.Left, exportRECT.Top, exportRECT.Right, exportRECT.bottom
    End If
    'Assign the envelope object to the exporter object's PixelBounds property.  The exporter object
    ' will use these dimensions when allocating memory for the export file.
    pExport.PixelBounds = pPixelBoundsEnv
    Set pExport.TrackCancel = pTrackCancel
    Set pExport.StepProgressor = Application.StatusBar.ProgressBar
    pTrackCancel.CancelOnClick = False
    pTrackCancel.CancelOnKeyPress = True
    bContinue = pTrackCancel.Continue()
    hdc = pExport.StartExporting
    'Redraw the active view, rendering it to the exporter object device context instead of the app display.
    'We pass the following values:
    ' * hDC is the device context of the exporter object.
    ' * exportRECT is the tagRECT structure that describes the dimensions of the view that will be rendered.
    ' The values in exportRECT should match those held in the exporter object's PixelBounds property.
    ' * pMapExtEnv is an envelope defining the section of the original image to draw into the export object.
    ' * pTrackCancel is a reference to a CancelTracker object
    pActiveView.Output hdc, pExport.Resolution, exportRECT, pMapExtEnv, pTrackCancel
    bContinue = pTrackCancel.Continue()
    If bContinue Then
        msg = "Writing export file..."
        Application.StatusBar.Message(0) = msg
    End If
    pTrackCancel.CancelOnClick = False
    pTrackCancel.CancelOnKeyPress = True
    bContinue = pTrackCancel.Continue()
    If bContinue Then
        msg = "Finished exporting '" & pExport.ExportFileName & "'"
        Application.StatusBar.Message(0) = msg
    End If
    SetOutputQuality pActiveView, iPrevOutputImageQuality
    Set pTrackCancel = Nothing
    Set pMapExtEnv = Nothing
    Set pPixelBoundsEnv = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub SetOutputQuality(pActiveView As IActiveView, iResampleRatio As Long)
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Dim pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer
    Dim pElement As IElement
    Dim pOutputRasterSettings As IOutputRasterSettings
    Dim pMapFrame As IMapFrame
    Dim pTmpActiveView As IActiveView
    If TypeOf pActiveView Is IMap Then
        Set pOutputRasterSettings = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation
        pOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = iResampleRatio
    ElseIf TypeOf pActiveView Is IPageLayout Then
        'assign ResampleRatio for PageLayout
        Set pOutputRasterSettings = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation
        pOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = iResampleRatio
        'and assign ResampleRatio to the Maps in the PageLayout
        Set pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView
        Set pElement = pGraphicsContainer.Next
        Do While Not pElement Is Nothing
            If TypeOf pElement Is IMapFrame Then
                Set pMapFrame = pElement
                Set pTmpActiveView = pMapFrame.Map
                Set pOutputRasterSettings = pTmpActiveView.ScreenDisplay.DisplayTransformation
                pOutputRasterSettings.ResampleRatio = iResampleRatio
            End If
            Set pElement = pGraphicsContainer.Next
        Set pMap = Nothing
        Set pMapFrame = Nothing
        Set pGraphicsContainer = Nothing
        Set pTmpActiveView = Nothing
    End If
    Set pOutputRasterSettings = Nothing
End Sub

Function GetGraphicsExtent(pActiveView As IActiveView) As IEnvelope
    Dim pBounds As IEnvelope
    Dim pEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer
    Dim pPageLayout As IPageLayout
    Dim pDisplay As IDisplay
    Dim pElement As IElement
    Set pBounds = New Envelope
    Set pEnv = New Envelope
    Set pPageLayout = pActiveView
    Set pDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay
    Set pGraphicsContainer = pActiveView
    Set pElement = pGraphicsContainer.Next
    Do While Not pElement Is Nothing
        pElement.QueryBounds pDisplay, pEnv
        pBounds.Union pEnv
        Set pElement = pGraphicsContainer.Next
    Set GetGraphicsExtent = pBounds
    Set pBounds = Nothing
    Set pEnv = Nothing
    Set pGraphicsContainer = Nothing
    Set pPageLayout = Nothing
    Set pDisplay = Nothing
    Set pElement = Nothing
End Function