This sample illustrates how to set the ArcMap animation environment and save an ArcMap animation as a file. When an animation is saved, the animation environment settings and all animation tracks and keyframes will be persisted.
How to use
- Open a map document with one or more animation tracks present;
- Copy and paste the following code to the VB editor in ArcMap;
- Make sure that "ESRI Animation Object Library" and "ESRI AnimationUI Object Library" are checked in the References dialog box of the VBA project;
- Run the macro "Map_Save_Animation";
- Check the location where you saved the animation file to verify that the animation was saved.
Public Sub Map_Save_Animation()
'Find the animation extension
Dim pUID As New UID
pUID.Value = "esriAnimation.AnimationExtension"
Dim pAnimExt As IAnimationExtension
Set pAnimExt = Application.FindExtensionByCLSID(pUID)
'Get animation environment from the animation extension
Dim pAGAnimEnv As IAGAnimationEnvironment
Set pAGAnimEnv = pAnimExt.AnimationEnvironment
'Set the animation environment
'Duration of animation
pAGAnimEnv.AnimationDuration = 8
'Specify the time interval when the animation will be played
pAGAnimEnv.PutPlayInterval 3.5, 6.7
'Set the interval play option to be true
Dim bIntervalPlay As Boolean
bIntervalPlay = pAGAnimEnv.IsIntervalPlay
If bIntervalPlay = False Then
pAGAnimEnv.IsIntervalPlay = True
End If
'Set the play mode to be "play once forward"
pAGAnimEnv.PlayMode = esriAnimationPlayOnceForward
'Using the AGAnimationUtils object to save the animation
Dim pAGAnimUtils As IAGAnimationUtils
Set pAGAnimUtils = New AGAnimationUtils
pAGAnimUtils.SaveAnimationFile pAnimExt.AnimationTracks.AnimationObjectContainer, _
"C:\temp\agAnimFile.ama", esriArcGISVersion92
End Sub