How to add network locations from a selected layer

This sample will show you how you can programmatically add network locations to a network analysis class (e.g. Barriers, Stops, Incidents, Facilities) using the point feature layer selected in the table of contents as input.

How to use

  1. In the table of contents, select the point feature class you want to load from
  2. In the Network Analyst Window, select the analysis class that you want to add network locations to
  3. Paste this code into a VBA module in ArcMap
  4. Call the function AddNetworkLocationsFromSelectedLayer()
Public Sub AddNetworkLocationsFromSelectedLayer()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument 'Current Map Document
    Dim pPointFClass As IFeatureClass 'Input Feature Class
    Dim pNAExtension As INetworkAnalystExtension 'Application extension for NA
    Dim pNAWindow As INAWindow 'Network Analysis Window
    Dim pNALayer As INALayer 'Active Network Analysis Layer
    Dim pNAContext As INAContext 'Active NALayer's context
    Dim pNAWindowCategory As INAWindowCategory 'Stops, barriers, incidents, etc
    'Get the current network analysis and selected category
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pNAExtension = Application.FindExtensionByName("Network Analyst")
    Set pNAWindow = pNAExtension.NAWindow
    Set pNALayer = pNAWindow.ActiveAnalysis
    Set pNAContext = pNALayer.Context
    Set pNAWindowCategory = pNAWindow.ActiveCategory
    'get the selected layer in the TOC and get a point feature class from it
    Set pPointFClass = GetPointFeatureClassSelectedInTOC
    If pPointFClass Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "You must select a point feature class in the table of contents"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Make sure we have a valid category selected in the NAWindow
    If pNAWindowCategory Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "You must have an analysis layer in your map"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Setup the NAClassLoader based on the current analysis layer
    Dim pNAClassLoader As INAClassLoader 'Loader that does locating
    Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer 'Used for getting to NAClass
    Dim pNAClass As INAClass 'Current NAClass (stops, barriers, etc)
    Dim pNAClassFieldMap As INAClassFieldMap 'Map values from input FC to output FC
    Set pNAClassLoader = New NAClassLoader
    Set pFLayer = pNAWindowCategory.Layer
    Set pNAClass = pFLayer.FeatureClass
    Set pNAClassLoader.Locator = pNAContext.Locator
    Set pNAClassLoader.NAClass = pNAClass
    'use the analysis layer's default mappings and possibly add your own
    Set pNAClassFieldMap = New NAClassFieldMap
    pNAClassFieldMap.CreateMapping pNAClass.ClassDefinition, pPointFClass.Fields
    ' Uncomment and change this code to override a default value
    'pNAClassFieldMap.DefaultValue("Attr_Minutes") = 5.5
    ' Uncomment and change this code to override a mapped field
    'pNAClassFieldMap.MappedField("Name") = "RestaurantName"
    Set pNAClassLoader.FieldMap = pNAClassFieldMap
    'Open a cursor on the feature class you're loading from
    Dim pInputCursor As ICursor
    Dim rowsInCursor As Long
    Dim rowsLocated As Long
    Set pInputCursor = pPointFClass.Search(Nothing, False)
    'Start edit operation (for undo/redo)
    pNAWindow.StartOperation pNAContext
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandlerWithinEditOperation
    'Actually load the features and locate them
    pNAClassLoader.Load pInputCursor, New CancelTracker, rowsInCursor, rowsLocated
    Debug.Print "Located " & rowsLocated & " of " & rowsInCursor & " rows."
    'Message all of the network analysis agents that the analysis context has changed
    Dim pNAContextEdit As INAContextEdit
    Set pNAContextEdit = pNAContext
    pNAWindow.StopOperation pNAContext, "Loaded " & rowsInCursor & " features into " & pNAWindowCategory.Layer.Name
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    'Make sure everything get's refreshed properly
    pNAWindow.UpdateContent pNAWindowCategory
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
    pNAWindow.AbortOperation pNAContext
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description
    Exit Sub
End Sub

'Returns a point feature class selected in map's TOC or Nothing

Private Function GetPointFeatureClassSelectedInTOC() As IFeatureClass
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Dim pGeoFeatureLayer As IGeoFeatureLayer
    Dim pFClass As IFeatureClass
    'Get the selected layer supporting IGeoFeatureLayer
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pLayer = pMxDoc.SelectedLayer
    If pLayer Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If Not TypeOf pLayer Is IGeoFeatureLayer Then Exit Function
    'Get the selected layer's feature class if it's of type point
    Set pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer
    Set pFClass = pGeoFeatureLayer.FeatureClass
    If pFClass Is Nothing Then Exit Function
    If pFClass.ShapeType = esriGeometryPoint Then
        Set GetPointFeatureClassSelectedInTOC = pFClass
    End If
End Function