How to add a point event layer to ArcMap

This VBA code demonstrates how to create a RouteEventSource object, which is a 'Dynamic' feature class. This feature class is then added to ArcMap as a layer.

How to use

  1. Add a route (PolyLineM) layer to ArcMap called 'roads_route_hwy' (or change the code accordingly).
  2. Add a table called 'accident' to ArcMap (or change the code accordingly).
  3. Change the code to fit your data.
  4. Paste the code into VBA.
  5. Run the code.
Public Sub AddPointEventLayer()
    '+++ VBA code that shows how to add a point RouteEventSource as a layer in the Map
    On Error GoTo eh
    '+++ Get the event table. It is called 'accident'.
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pTblColl As ITableCollection
    Dim pEventTable As ITable
    Dim i As Long
    Dim pMap As IMap
    Dim pDS As IDataset
    Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
    Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
    Set pTblColl = pMap
    For i = 0 To pTblColl.TableCount - 1
        Set pDS = pTblColl.Table(i)
        If LCase(pDS.BrowseName) = "accident" Then
            Set pEventTable = pDS
            Exit For
        End If
    Next i
    If pEventTable Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Could not find event table", vbExclamation, "AddPointEventLayer"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '+++ Get the route feature class. It is called 'roads_route_hwy'.
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Dim pFLayer As IFeatureLayer
    Dim pRouteFc As IFeatureClass
    For i = 0 To pMap.LayerCount - 1
        Set pLayer = pMap.Layer(i)
        If LCase(pLayer.Name) = "roads_route_hwy" Then
            If TypeOf pLayer Is IFeatureLayer Then
                Set pFLayer = pLayer
                Set pRouteFc = pFLayer.FeatureClass
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next i
    If pRouteFc Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Could not find the route feature class", vbExclamation, "AddPointEventLayer"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    '+++ Create the route event source ...
    '+++ The route locator
    Dim pName As IName
    Dim pRMLName As IRouteLocatorName
    Set pDS = pRouteFc
    Set pName = pDS.FullName
    Set pRMLName = New RouteMeasureLocatorName
    With pRMLName
        Set .RouteFeatureClassName = pName
        .RouteIDFieldName = "rkey"
        .RouteIDIsUnique = True
        .RouteMeasureUnit = esriMeters
        '.RouteWhereClause = "" '+++ used to limit the number of routes
    End With
    '+++ Create the route event properties
    Dim pRtProp As IRouteEventProperties2
    Dim pRMPtProp As IRouteMeasurePointProperties2
    Set pRtProp = New RouteMeasurePointProperties
    With pRtProp
        .EventMeasureUnit = esriUnknownUnits
        .EventRouteIDFieldName = "rkey"
        '.LateralOffsetFieldName = "offset"
        .AddErrorField = True 'add field for locating errors
        .ErrorFieldName = "LOC_ERROR" 'specify name for the locating errors field
    End With
    '+++ IRouteMeasurePointProperties2 is used to include an angle field to the route event source.
    '+++ The angle field can be used to cartagrophical rotate point event symbology.
    Set pRMPtProp = pRtProp
    With pRMPtProp
        .MeasureFieldName = "mile"
        .AddAngleField = True 'If using 9.2, 9.2SP1, or 9.2SP2 you will need to set .AddAngleField = False to avoid the crash caused by NIM007577
        .AngleFieldName = "LOC_ANGLE"
        .AsPointFeature = True 'point events shape will be of type Point. Multipoint if False
        .NormalAngle = True 'the angle normal to the digitize direction.  Will be tangent if False
        .ComplementAngle = False
    End With
    Set pDS = pEventTable
    Set pName = pDS.FullName
    Dim pRESN As IRouteEventSourceName
    Set pRESN = New RouteEventSourceName
    With pRESN
        Set .EventTableName = pName
        Set .EventProperties = pRMPtProp
        Set .RouteLocatorName = pRMLName
    End With
    '+++ By opening a route event source name object, you have a 'dynamic'
    '+++ feature class ...
    Dim pEventFC As IFeatureClass
    Set pName = pRESN
    Set pEventFC = pName.Open
    '+++ Create the layer and add it to the current map
    Dim pActive As IActiveView
    Set pFLayer = New FeatureLayer
    Set pFLayer.FeatureClass = pEventFC
    pFLayer.Name = pDS.BrowseName + "_Events" '+++ "Accident_Events"
    pMap.AddLayer pFLayer
    Set pActive = pMxDoc.ActiveView
    Exit Sub
    Dim lNum As Long, sDesc As String, sSrc As String
    lNum = Err.Number
    sDesc = Err.Description
    sSrc = Err.Source
    Err.Raise lNum, sSrc, sDesc
End Sub

Additional Requirements
  • ArcEditor at 9.0; ArcView at 9.1 forward