This routine converts 3D bookmarks in the current ArcGlobe document to GlobeCamera keyframes. The keyframes are then used to create a Globe Camera animation comprised of a Globe Camera animation track. This animation can then be played using controls provided on the Animation Controls dialog.
How to use
- Paste the code into ArcGlobe's Visual Basic Editor.
- Make sure that you have some 3D bookmarks in the current ArcGlobe document
- Run the calling procedure.
- Play the animation using the controls provided on the Animation Controls dialog. (Note: You need to have the Animation toolbar checked on to gain access to Animation Controls.)
Option Explicit
Public Sub ConvertBookmarkToGlobeCameraKeyframe()
Dim pGMxDoc As IGMxDocument
Set pGMxDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pScene As IScene
Set pScene = pGMxDoc.Scene
Dim pGlobe As IGlobe
Set pGlobe = pScene
Dim pGlobeDisp As IGlobeDisplay
Set pGlobeDisp = pGlobe.GlobeDisplay
Dim pCamera As ICamera
Set pCamera = pGlobeDisp.ActiveViewer.Camera
Dim pGlobeCamera As IGlobeCamera
' Set the Animation Type to be of type GlobeCamera
Dim pAnimTypeGlobeCamera As IAnimationType
Set pAnimTypeGlobeCamera = New AnimationTypeGlobeCamera
' Create a New animation track:
Dim pAnimTrack As IAnimationTrack
Set pAnimTrack = New AnimationTrack
' Set the Animation Track Type to be GlobeCamera
Set pAnimTrack.AnimationType = pAnimTypeGlobeCamera
' Get the Bookmarks in the current Scene
Dim p3DBookmarks As ISceneBookmarks
Set p3DBookmarks = pScene
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To p3DBookmarks.BookmarkCount - 1
Dim p3DBookmark As IBookmark3D
' Find the bookmark specified in the list of bookmarks to be used in the Animation
p3DBookmarks.FindBookmark "Bookmark " & i + 1, p3DBookmark
' Apply the Bookmark to the current viewer (Camera will actually visit those areas)
p3DBookmark.Apply pGlobeDisp.ActiveViewer, False, 0
' Capture the Camera Location/Properties of the current Scene/bookmark, so we can re-visit it
Dim pBookmarkLocation As IBookmark3D
Set pBookmarkLocation = New Bookmark3D
' Get the camera properties at the current Scene/Bookmark location
pBookmarkLocation.Capture pCamera
' Create a New Keyframe
Dim pKeyframe As IKeyframe
Set pKeyframe = New GlobeCameraKeyframe
Dim pXT As Double
Dim pYT As Double
Dim pZT As Double
pCamera.Target.QueryCoords pXT, pYT
pZT = pCamera.Target.Z
If (pXT * pXT + pYT * pYT + pZT * pZT) _
< 0.000000000001 Then
Set pGlobeCamera = pCamera
pGlobeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationGlobal
Set pGlobeCamera = pCamera
pGlobeCamera.OrientationMode = esriGlobeCameraOrientationLocal
End If
' Assign the properties of the 3D Bookmark we just visited to the Keyframe
pKeyframe.CaptureProperties pScene, pGlobeCamera
' Assign the Keyframe a Name
pKeyframe.Name = "Bookmark " & i
pAnimTrack.InsertKeyframe pKeyframe, i ' Insert the New Keyframe in the Animation Track
Next i
' Set the animation track name:
pAnimTrack.Name = "Camera Animation"
' Set binding properties of the Animation Track - Attach the Animation Track to the
' GlobeCamera of the Main Viewer
pAnimTrack.AttachObject pGlobeCamera
pAnimTrack.ApplyToAllViewers = True
' Add the new Animation Track to the Animation Manager
Dim pAnimTracks As IAnimationTracks
Set pAnimTracks = pScene
pAnimTracks.AddTrack pAnimTrack
' Restore the Original location of the before we recorded the Bookmarks
pBookmarkLocation.Apply pGlobeDisp.ActiveViewer, False, 0
pGlobeDisp.RefreshViewers ' Re-Draws everything in the Main Viewer
End Sub