This sample code demonstrates how to convert hatches into graphics. The reason you might want to convert hatches to graphics is so that the individual hatches can be moved, resized, and edited on the map for cartographic reasons.
The following code takes the selected features in the layer and converts the hatches to graphics. The graphics are output to a new annotation target group and added to ArcMap as a graphics layer.
How to use
- Add a polyline (with measures) layer to your map.
- Set up hatches on the layer.
- Select one or more features.
- Paste the code into VBA.
- Modify the code to match your data, etc .
- Run the code.
- Turn the layer off to see that the new graphics more clearly.
Public Sub ConvertHatchesToGraphics()
On Error GoTo eh
'+++ This code takes selected features in the route layer which contain hatches and
'+++ converts the hatches to graphics. The graphics are output to a new annotation target
'+++ group and added to ArcMap as a graphics layer.
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Dim pMap As IMap
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Set pMap = pMxDoc.FocusMap
Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
Dim i As Long
'+++ Get the layer whose hatches you want to convert.
Dim pRtLayer As ILayer
Dim pFeatRtLayer As IFeatureLayer
For i = 0 To pMap.LayerCount - 1
Set pRtLayer = pMap.Layer(i)
If LCase(pRtLayer.Name) = "hatches" Then 'Change the name to reflect your layer name.
If TypeOf pRtLayer Is IFeatureLayer Then
Set pFeatRtLayer = pRtLayer
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
If pFeatRtLayer Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not find the route layer", vbExclamation, "ConvertHatchesToGraphics"
Exit Sub
End If
'+++ Get the hatch layer extension attached to the layer. It was added automatically when you added the
'+++ to your map document.
Dim pHatchLayerExt As IHatchLayerExtension
Dim pLayerExt As ILayerExtensions
Set pLayerExt = pFeatRtLayer
For i = 0 To pLayerExt.ExtensionCount - 1
If TypeOf pLayerExt.Extension(i) Is IHatchLayerExtension Then
Set pHatchLayerExt = pLayerExt.Extension(i)
End If
Next i
If pHatchLayerExt Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Could not get hatch layer extension from the route layer", vbExclamation, "ConvertHatchesToGraphics"
Exit Sub
End If
'+++ Check to make sure the hatch layer extension has hatch classes that can be converted.
If pHatchLayerExt.ShowHatches = False Then
MsgBox "There are no hatches displayed", vbInformation, "ConvertHatchesToGraphics"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim lHatchClassCount As Long
lHatchClassCount = pHatchLayerExt.HatchClassCount
If Not lHatchClassCount > 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no hatches to convert", vbInformation, "ConvertHatchesToGraphics"
Exit Sub
End If
'+++ We are only going to convert hatches for the selected set of features, so we need to
'+++ check if there are any features selected.
Dim pFeatureSelection As IFeatureSelection
Dim pSelectionSet As ISelectionSet
Set pFeatureSelection = pFeatRtLayer
Set pSelectionSet = pFeatureSelection.SelectionSet
If pSelectionSet.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "No route features selected.", vbInformation, "ConvertHatchesToGraphics"
Exit Sub
End If
'+++ Set up a Graphics Layer that the converted graphics will output to
'+++ We will create a new composite graphics layer.
Dim pCompGraphicsLayer As ICompositeGraphicsLayer
Dim pGraphicsLayer As IGraphicsLayer
Set pCompGraphicsLayer = pMap.BasicGraphicsLayer
Set pGraphicsLayer = pCompGraphicsLayer.AddLayer("CovertedHatches", Nothing) 'This should not exist
'+++ Set as active anno target.
Set pMap.ActiveGraphicsLayer = pGraphicsLayer
'+++ Set up the Display object to be passed into the the ConvertToGraphics method.
Dim pDisplay As IScreenDisplay
Set pActiveView = pMap
Set pDisplay = pActiveView.ScreenDisplay
'+++ Convert all visible hatch classes to graphics for the selected route features.
Dim sHatchClassNames As Variant
Dim sHatchClassName As Variant
Dim pHatchClass As IHatchClass
Dim pHatchTemplate As IHatchTemplate
sHatchClassNames = pHatchLayerExt.HatchClassNames
For i = 0 To pHatchLayerExt.HatchClassCount - 1
sHatchClassName = sHatchClassNames(i)
Set pHatchClass = pHatchLayerExt.HatchClass(sHatchClassName)
If pHatchClass.ShowHatches Then
pHatchClass.ConvertToGraphics pRtLayer, pGraphicsLayer, pDisplay, esriConvertHatchesSelected
End If
Next i
pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, Nothing, Nothing
Exit Sub
Dim lNum As Long, sSrc As String, sDesc As String
lNum = Err.Number
sSrc = Err.Source
sDesc = Err.Description
Err.Raise lNum, sSrc, sDesc
End Sub