This sample returns values of raster at given points defined by a point feature class and add those values to the feature class with the specified field name: sFieldName. The field added to the feature class will have different type depending on the input raster.
How to use
- Call this proceduce from VBA.
Sub ExtractValueTOPointFeatureClass(pInRaster As IRaster, pInFeatureClass As IFeatureClass, sFieldName As String)
' pInRaster: input raster
' pInFeatureClass: input point feature class
' sFieldName: name of the field that stores the values
On Error GoTo ERH
' Define field name
Dim pFld As IFieldEdit
Set pFld = New Field
pFld.Name = sFieldName
' Define field type
Dim pProp As IRasterProps
Set pProp = pInRaster
If pProp.PixelType = PT_CHAR Or pProp.PixelType = PT_UCHAR Then
pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeString
pFld.Length = 20
pFld.Required = 0
ElseIf pProp.PixelType = PT_FLOAT Or pProp.PixelType = PT_DOUBLE Or pProp.PixelType Then
pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeDouble
pFld.Length = 24
pFld.Required = 8
Else ' for integer case
pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeInteger
pFld.Length = 24
pFld.Required = 0
End If
' Add field
pInFeatureClass.AddField pFld
' Get field index
Dim FieldIndex As Integer
FieldIndex = pInFeatureClass.FindField(sFieldName)
If FieldIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
' Create a raster layer and QI for IIdentify interface
Dim pRLayer As IRasterLayer
Set pRLayer = New RasterLayer
pRLayer.CreateFromRaster pInRaster
Dim pIdentify As IIdentify
Set pIdentify = pRLayer
Dim pIDArray As IArray
Dim pRIDObj As IRasterIdentifyObj
Dim I As Long
Dim pPoint As IPoint
Dim pFeature As IFeature
Dim pNewPoint As IPoint
Set pNewPoint = New Point
'Loop through each point in the feature class and obtain value of the
'raster on that point
Dim NumOfRow As Integer
NumOfRow = pInFeatureClass.FeatureCount(Nothing)
For I = 0 To NumOfRow - 1
'Get point
Set pFeature = pInFeatureClass.GetFeature(I)
Set pPoint = pFeature.Shape
pNewPoint.X = pPoint.X
pNewPoint.Y = pPoint.Y
'Get RasterIdentifyObject on that point
Set pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pNewPoint)
If Not pIDArray Is Nothing Then
Set pRIDObj = pIDArray.Element(0)
'Get the value of the RasterIdentifyObject and add it to the field
If pProp.PixelType = PT_CHAR Or pProp.PixelType = PT_UCHAR Then
pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = pRIDObj.Name
ElseIf pProp.PixelType = PT_FLOAT Or pProp.PixelType = PT_DOUBLE Or pProp.PixelType Then
If pRIDObj.Name <> "NoData" Then
pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = CDbl(pRIDObj.Name)
End If
Else ' for integer case
If pRIDObj.Name <> "NoData" Then
pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = CLng(pRIDObj.Name)
End If
End If
End If
Next I
Exit Sub