How to extract pixel values of a raster layer given a point feature class

This sample returns values of raster at given points defined by a point feature class and add those values to the feature class with the specified field name: sFieldName. The field added to the feature class will have different type depending on the input raster.

How to use

  1. Call this proceduce from VBA.
Sub ExtractValueTOPointFeatureClass(pInRaster As IRaster, pInFeatureClass As IFeatureClass, sFieldName As String)
    ' pInRaster: input raster
    ' pInFeatureClass: input point feature class
    ' sFieldName: name of the field that stores the values
    On Error GoTo ERH
    ' Define field name
    Dim pFld As IFieldEdit
    Set pFld = New Field
    pFld.Name = sFieldName
    ' Define field type
    Dim pProp As IRasterProps
    Set pProp = pInRaster
    If pProp.PixelType = PT_CHAR Or pProp.PixelType = PT_UCHAR Then
        pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeString
        pFld.Length = 20
        pFld.Required = 0
    ElseIf pProp.PixelType = PT_FLOAT Or pProp.PixelType = PT_DOUBLE Or pProp.PixelType Then
        pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeDouble
        pFld.Length = 24
        pFld.Required = 8
    Else ' for integer case
        pFld.Type = esriFieldTypeInteger
        pFld.Length = 24
        pFld.Required = 0
    End If
    ' Add field
    pInFeatureClass.AddField pFld
    ' Get field index
    Dim FieldIndex As Integer
    FieldIndex = pInFeatureClass.FindField(sFieldName)
    If FieldIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
    ' Create a raster layer and QI for IIdentify interface
    Dim pRLayer As IRasterLayer
    Set pRLayer = New RasterLayer
    pRLayer.CreateFromRaster pInRaster
    Dim pIdentify As IIdentify
    Set pIdentify = pRLayer
    Dim pIDArray As IArray
    Dim pRIDObj As IRasterIdentifyObj
    Dim I As Long
    Dim pPoint As IPoint
    Dim pFeature As IFeature
    Dim pNewPoint As IPoint
    Set pNewPoint = New Point
    'Loop through each point in the feature class and obtain value of the
    'raster on that point
    Dim NumOfRow As Integer
    NumOfRow = pInFeatureClass.FeatureCount(Nothing)
    For I = 0 To NumOfRow - 1
        'Get point
        Set pFeature = pInFeatureClass.GetFeature(I)
        Set pPoint = pFeature.Shape
        pNewPoint.X = pPoint.X
        pNewPoint.Y = pPoint.Y
        'Get RasterIdentifyObject on that point
        Set pIDArray = pIdentify.Identify(pNewPoint)
        If Not pIDArray Is Nothing Then
            Set pRIDObj = pIDArray.Element(0)
            'Get the value of the RasterIdentifyObject and add it to the field
            If pProp.PixelType = PT_CHAR Or pProp.PixelType = PT_UCHAR Then
                pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = pRIDObj.Name
            ElseIf pProp.PixelType = PT_FLOAT Or pProp.PixelType = PT_DOUBLE Or pProp.PixelType Then
                If pRIDObj.Name <> "NoData" Then
                    pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = CDbl(pRIDObj.Name)
                End If
            Else ' for integer case
                If pRIDObj.Name <> "NoData" Then
                    pFeature.Value(FieldIndex) = CLng(pRIDObj.Name)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    Next I
    Exit Sub