How to align elements

This sample aligns elements to the dominant element. Options are: top, bottom, left, and right. In ArcMap, the dominant element is the last element selected.
There are two parts to this sample. A driver macro and a class that does the actual alignment. The extra class is necessary because we need to implement IOperation to provide undo/redo. This also makes it extensible. For example, you can write a new driver that aligns elements to a feature's envelope.
One of the purposes of this sample is to also show how element operations are created.

How to use

  1. Paste the AlignGraphicElements routine into VBA.
  2. Insert a new class module into the VBA project.
  3. Paste in the class code from below.
  4. Rename the class module to AlignElementsOperation.
  5. In the AlignGraphicElements routine, modify the alignment option as desired, currently its set to esriTop.
  6. Select the elements you wish to align.
  7. Run the macro.

Option Explicit

Public Sub AlignGraphicElements()
    Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
    Dim pActiveView As IActiveView
    Dim pGraphicsContainerSel As IGraphicsContainerSelect
    Dim pDominantElement As IElement
    Dim pEnumElement As IEnumElement
    Dim pAlignEnv As IEnvelope
    Dim pElementOp As New AlignElementsOperation
    Set pMxDoc = Application.Document
    Set pActiveView = pMxDoc.ActivatedView
    Set pGraphicsContainerSel = pActiveView
    Set pEnumElement = pGraphicsContainerSel.SelectedElements
    'Ensure a dominant element exists, all elements are aligned
    'to its envelope
    Set pDominantElement = pGraphicsContainerSel.DominantElement
    If pDominantElement Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Unable to align elements. No dominant element found."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set pAlignEnv = New Envelope
    pDominantElement.QueryBounds pActiveView.ScreenDisplay, pAlignEnv
    'Call AlignElements to peform the alignment
    pElementOp.AlignElements pMxDoc, pEnumElement, pAlignEnv, esriTop
End Sub

Class Module
    Option Explicit
    'This class aligns selected elements based on an envelope passed in
    'Typically the envelope comes from the dominant elemment (IElement::QueryCoords)
    'The class implements IOperation to provide undo/redo capabilities.
    Implements IOperation
    Private m_pActiveView As IActiveView
    Private m_pGraphicsContainer As IGraphicsContainer
    Private m_pEnumElement As IEnumElement
    Private m_pAlignEnv As IEnvelope
    Private PointArray() As IPoint
    Private m_AlignType As AlignType

    Public Enum AlignType
        esriTop = 0
        esriBottom = 1
        esriLeft = 2
        esriRight = 3
    End Enum
    Public Sub AlignElements(pMxDoc As IMxDocument, pEnumElement As IEnumElement, pAlignEnv As IEnvelope, eAlignType As AlignType)
        Dim pOperationStack As IOperationStack
        Set pOperationStack = pMxDoc.OperationStack
        Set m_pActiveView = pMxDoc.ActivatedView
        Set m_pEnumElement = pEnumElement
        Set m_pAlignEnv = pAlignEnv
        Set m_pGraphicsContainer = pMxDoc.ActivatedView
        'Even though the enum is public, double-check that a valid value has been passed in
        If eAlignType < 0 Or eAlignType > 3 Then
            MsgBox "Invalid Alignment Option."
            Exit Sub
        End If
        m_AlignType = eAlignType
        'Do the operation and load it onto the operation stack
        pOperationStack.Do Me
    End Sub
    Private Property Get IOperation_CanRedo() As Boolean
        IOperation_CanRedo = True
    End Property
    Private Property Get IOperation_CanUndo() As Boolean
        IOperation_CanUndo = True
    End Property
    Private Sub IOperation_Do()
        'Call MoveElements to align the elements
    End Sub
    Private Property Get IOperation_MenuString() As String
        IOperation_MenuString = "My Align Elements"
    End Property
    Private Sub IOperation_Redo()
        'Call MoveElements to realign the elements
    End Sub
    Private Sub IOperation_Undo()
        'Call ResetElements to move the elements back to their original location
    End Sub
    Private Sub MoveElements()
        Dim pElement As IElement
        Dim pTransform2D As ITransform2D
        Dim pEnvelope As IEnvelope
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Dim ElementCount As Integer
        Set pEnvelope = New Envelope
        'Enumerate through all the elements
        Set pElement = m_pEnumElement.Next
        Do While Not pElement Is Nothing
            If ElementInEditableWorkspace(pElement) Then
                ElementCount = ElementCount + 1
                ReDim Preserve PointArray(ElementCount) 'resize storage array
                pElement.QueryBounds m_pActiveView.ScreenDisplay, pEnvelope
                'Select alignment option
                Select Case m_AlignType
                    Case esriTop
                        Set pPoint = AlignTop(pEnvelope)
                    Case esriBottom
                        Set pPoint = AlignBottom(pEnvelope)
                    Case esriLeft
                        Set pPoint = AlignLeft(pEnvelope)
                    Case esriRight
                        Set pPoint = AlignRight(pEnvelope)
                    Case Else
                End Select
                'Flag original element location for invalidation
                m_pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, Nothing
                Set pTransform2D = pElement
                pTransform2D.Move pPoint.x, pPoint.y
                m_pGraphicsContainer.UpdateElement pElement
                'Flag new element location for invalidation
                m_pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, Nothing
                'Add the point to the point array for use by Undo
                'Each point holds the dx, dy for a particular element
                Set PointArray(ElementCount) = pPoint
            End If
            'Move onto next element
            Set pElement = m_pEnumElement.Next
    End Sub
    Private Sub ResetElements()
        Dim pElement As IElement
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Dim ElementCount As Integer
        Dim pTransform2D As ITransform2D
        'Move each element back
        Set pElement = m_pEnumElement.Next
        Do While Not pElement Is Nothing
            If ElementInEditableWorkspace(pElement) Then
                ElementCount = ElementCount + 1
                'Point array holds dx, dy
                Set pPoint = PointArray(ElementCount)
                'Flag original location for invalidation
                m_pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, Nothing
                Set pTransform2D = pElement
                pTransform2D.Move - (pPoint.x), - (pPoint.y)
                m_pGraphicsContainer.UpdateElement pElement
                'Flag new location for invalidation
                m_pActiveView.PartialRefresh esriViewGraphics, pElement, Nothing
            End If
            'Move onto next element
            Set pElement = m_pEnumElement.Next
    End Sub
    Private Function AlignTop(pEnv As IEnvelope) As IPoint
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = New Point
        pPoint.x = 0
        pPoint.y = m_pAlignEnv.YMax - pEnv.YMax
        Set AlignTop = pPoint
    End Function
    Private Function AlignBottom(pEnv As IEnvelope) As IPoint
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = New Point
        pPoint.x = 0
        pPoint.y = m_pAlignEnv.YMin - pEnv.YMin
        Set AlignBottom = pPoint
    End Function
    Private Function AlignLeft(pEnv As IEnvelope) As IPoint
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = New Point
        pPoint.x = m_pAlignEnv.XMin - pEnv.XMin
        pPoint.y = 0
        Set AlignLeft = pPoint
    End Function
    Private Function AlignRight(pEnv As IEnvelope) As IPoint
        Dim pPoint As IPoint
        Set pPoint = New Point
        pPoint.x = m_pAlignEnv.XMax - pEnv.XMax
        pPoint.y = 0
        Set AlignRight = pPoint
    End Function
    'Check if the element belongs to a non-editable workspace

    Private Function ElementInEditableWorkspace(pElement As IElement) As Boolean
        Dim pAnnoElement As IAnnotationElement
        Dim pFeature As IFeature
        Dim pDataset As IDataset
        Dim pWorkspaceEdit As IWorkspaceEdit
        'Check if the element is an annotation element
        If Not TypeOf pElement Is IAnnotationElement Then
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        'We have an annotation element check if the workspace that owns
        'it is being edited; if not, don't move the element.  On any
        'error assume element/feature is editable.
        Set pAnnoElement = pElement
        Set pFeature = pAnnoElement.Feature
        If pFeature Is Nothing Then
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        Set pDataset = pFeature.Table
        If pDataset Is Nothing Then
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        Set pWorkspaceEdit = pDataset.Workspace
        If pWorkspaceEdit Is Nothing Then
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        'If workspace is not being edited, return false indicating that
        'the element cannot be edited/moved/aligned.
        If Not pWorkspaceEdit.IsBeingEdited Then
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = False
            Exit Function
            ElementInEditableWorkspace = True
        End If
    End Function