How to create a layer file

This tip demonstrates how to create a layer file (in this case pointing to a CAD file) based on the selected item.

How to use

  1. Paste this macro into VBA.
  2. Select a CAD Drawing in the right window of ArcCatalog (the contents view).
  3. Run this macro.
Public Sub CreateLayerFile()
    Dim pLayerFactory As ILayerFactory, pApp As IGxApplication, pGxObject As IGxObject
    Dim pName As IName
    Set pLayerFactory = New CadLayerFactory
    Set pApp = Application
    Set pGxObject = pApp.SelectedObject
    'Use GetObjectFromFullName if you want to specify a path to a file on disk
    Set pName = pGxObject.InternalObjectName
    If Not pLayerFactory.CanCreate(pName) Then
        MsgBox "Cannot create layer"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Dim pEnum As IEnumLayer, pLayer As ILayer, pGxLayer As IGxLayer, pFile As IGxFile
    Set pEnum = pLayerFactory.Create(pName)
    Set pGxLayer = New GxLayer
    Set pFile = pGxLayer
    pFile.Path = "C:\temp\mylayer.lyr"
    Set pGxLayer.Layer = pEnum.Next
End Sub