How to implement neighborhood-notation using PixelBlock

This sample code demonstrates how to implement neighborhood-notation processing using PixelBlock. This sub creates an output equivalent to OutRas = InRas + (InRas(-1,-1) - InRas(1,1))

How to use

  1. Call this sub in VBA or VB.
  2. Make sure to add reference to ESRI DataSourceRaster Object Library.
Sub NeighborhoodNotation(sInPath As String, sInRasDSName As String, sOutPath As String, sOutRasDSName As String)
    'sInPath: path of the input raster dataset
    'sInRasDSName: name of the input raster dataset
    'sOutPath: path of the output raster dataset
    'sOutRasDSName: name of the output raster dataset'Open input raster dataset
    Dim pRWS As IRasterWorkspace2
    Dim pWSF As IWorkspaceFactory
    Set pWSF = New RasterWorkspaceFactory
    If Not pWSF.IsWorkspace(sInPath) Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set pRWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(sInPath, 0)
    Dim pInRasDS As IRasterDataset
    Set pInRasDS = pRWS.OpenRasterDataset(sInRasDSName)
    'Get the forst band from the input raster
    Dim pInBand As IRasterBand
    Dim pInputBandCol As IRasterBandCollection
    Set pInputBandCol = pInRasDS
    Set pInBand = pInputBandCol.Item(0)
    'QI raster properties
    Dim pInRasProps As IRasterProps
    Set pInRasProps = pInBand
    'Create a default raster from input raster dataset
    Dim pInputRaster As IRaster
    Set pInputRaster = pInRasDS.CreateDefaultRaster
    'Create output raster dataset
    Dim fsObj, fl
    Set fsObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fsObj.FolderExists(sOutPath) Then
        Set fl = fsObj.GetFolder(sOutPath)
        If fl.Attributes And 1 Then Exit Sub
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Set pRWS = pWSF.OpenFromFile(sOutPath, 0)
    Dim pOrigin As IPoint
    Set pOrigin = New Point
    pOrigin.X = pInRasProps.Extent.XMin
    pOrigin.Y = pInRasProps.Extent.YMin
    'Find out the pixel type of the input raster dataset
    Dim outPixelType As rstPixelType
    Select Case pInRasProps.PixelType
        Case PT_CHAR
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_COMPLEX
            MsgBox "Operation not supported on complex data", vbOKOnly, "Neighborhood Notation"
            Exit Sub
        Case PT_DCOMPLEX
            MsgBox "Operation not supported on complex data", vbOKOnly, "Neighborhood Notation"
            Exit Sub
        Case PT_DOUBLE
            outPixelType = PT_FLOAT
        Case PT_FLOAT
            outPixelType = PT_FLOAT
        Case PT_LONG
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_SHORT
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_U1
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_U2
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_U4
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_UCHAR
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_ULONG
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
        Case PT_USHORT
            outPixelType = PT_LONG
    End Select
    Dim pOutRasDS As IRasterDataset
    Set pOutRasDS = pRWS.CreateRasterDataset(sOutRasDSName, "GRID", pOrigin, _
                    pInRasProps.Width, pInRasProps.Height, pInRasProps.MeanCellSize.X, _
                    pInRasProps.MeanCellSize.Y, 1, outPixelType, pInRasProps.SpatialReference, True)
    'Create a default raster from the output raster dataset
    Dim pOutRaster As IRaster
    Set pOutRaster = pOutRasDS.CreateDefaultRaster
    'Get the first band from the output raster
    Dim pOutBand As IRasterBand
    Dim pOutputBandCol As IRasterBandCollection
    Set pOutputBandCol = pOutRasDS
    Set pOutBand = pOutputBandCol.Item(0)
    'QI IRawPixels interface for input
    Dim pInRawPixels As IRawPixels
    Set pInRawPixels = pInBand
    'QI IRawPixels interface for output
    Dim pOutRawPixel As IRawPixels
    Set pOutRawPixel = pOutBand
    'Create a DblPnt to hold the PixelBlock size
    Dim pPnt As IPnt
    Set pPnt = New DblPnt
    pPnt.SetCoords pInRasProps.Width, pInRasProps.Height
    'Creates PixelBlock from input
    Dim pInPixelBlock As IPixelBlock3
    Set pInPixelBlock = pInRawPixels.CreatePixelBlock(pPnt)
    'Creates PixelBlock from output
    Dim pOutPixelBlock As IPixelBlock3
    Set pOutPixelBlock = pOutRawPixel.CreatePixelBlock(pPnt)
    'Read input PixelBlock
    pPnt.X = 0
    pPnt.Y = 0
    pInRawPixels.Read pPnt, pInPixelBlock
    'Get the SafeArray associated with the first band of the output
    Dim vSafeArray As Variant
    vSafeArray = pOutPixelBlock.PixelDataByRef(0)
    'QI RasterProps for output for NoData handling
    Dim pOutRasProps As IRasterProps
    Set pOutRasProps = pOutBand
    'Loop through the SafeArray and calculate each pixel value according to the neighborhood-notation
    Dim i, j As Long
    For i = 0 To pInRasProps.Width - 1
        For j = 0 To pInRasProps.Height - 1
            If (i - 1) >= 0 And (i + 1) <= pInRasProps.Width - 1 And _
                (j - 1) >= 0 And (j + 1) <= pInRasProps.Height - 1 Then
                If (Not CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i, j)) = CDbl(pInRasProps.NoDataValue)) And _
                       (Not CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i - 1, j - 1)) = CDbl(pInRasProps.NoDataValue)) And _
                       (Not CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i + 1, j + 1)) = CDbl(pInRasProps.NoDataValue)) Then
                    vSafeArray(i, j) = CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i, j)) + _
                               (CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i - 1, j - 1)) - CDbl(pInPixelBlock.GetVal(0, i + 1, j + 1)))
                    vSafeArray(i, j) = CDbl(pOutRasProps.NoDataValue)
                End If
                vSafeArray(i, i) = CDbl(pOutRasProps.NoDataValue)
            End If
        Next j
    Next i
    'Write out the result
    pOutRawPixel.Write pPnt, pOutPixelBlock
End Sub