This sample shows how to convert a raster to a JP2000 file with specified compression quality. The sample will work with other output raster format (e.g. IMG, TIFF, GRID, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG) with some modification
How to use
- Paste this function in your code.
- Call this function from your code.
' Libraries needed to run the code:
' ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase, ESRI.ArcGIS.DataSourcesRaster
Public Sub ConvertToJP2(pRasterDs As IRasterDataset, pWs As IWorkspace, sJP2name As String, iQuality As Integer)
' Convert a Raster to a JP2000 file with specified quality
' pRasterDs is the input raster dataset
' pWs is the output workspace where the JP2000 file will reside
' sJP2name is the output JP2000 file name
' iQuality is the compression quality of the JP2000 file
Dim pSaveAs As ISaveAs2
'QI ISaveAs2
Set pSaveAs = pRasterDs
'Create storagedef
Dim pStorageDef As IRasterStorageDef2
Set pStorageDef = New RasterStorageDef
pStorageDef.CompressionType = esriRasterCompressionJPEG2000
pStorageDef.CompressionQuality = iQuality
'Save to JP2000
pSaveAs.SaveAsRasterDataset sJP2name, pWs, "JP2", pStorageDef
Set pSaveAs = Nothing
End Sub