How to create an NALayer

This sample will show you how you can programmatically create a network analysis layer (NALayer) and add it to ArcMap within an undo/redo operation. This example creates a route layer but this can be easily modified to create a closest facility, service area, or origin-destination cost matrix layer.

How to use

  1. Add a Network Dataset to ArcMap
  2. Ensure you have the Network Analyst extension enabled
  3. Paste this code into a VBA module in ArcMap
  4. Call the Sub CreateAnalysisLayer()
Public Sub CreateAnalysisLayer()
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    'Get the network dataset from the current Network Layer
    Dim pNetworkDataset As INetworkDataset
    Set pNetworkDataset = GetNetworkDataset
    If pNetworkDataset Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Could not find a network dataset."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    'Create a solver corresponding to the type of analysis you want to perform.
    'Change "NARouteSolver" to be one of the following for a different type of analysis layer:
    '  "NAClosestFacilitySolver", "NAODCostMatrixSolver", "NAServiceAreaSolver"
    Dim pNASolver As INASolver
    Set pNASolver = New NARouteSolver
    'Get the Network Dataset's DataElement
    Dim pDENetworkDataset As IDENetworkDataset
    Set pDENetworkDataset = GetDataElement(pNetworkDataset)
    'Create a context to hold the analysis and bind (initialize) it
    Dim pNAContext As INAContext
    Dim pNAContextEdit As INAContextEdit
    Set pNAContext = pNASolver.CreateContext(pDENetworkDataset, "My Network Analysis Layer")
    Set pNAContextEdit = pNAContext
    pNAContextEdit.Bind pNetworkDataset, Nothing
    'Create an analysis layer
    Dim pNALayer As INALayer
    Set pNALayer = pNASolver.CreateLayer(pNAContext)
    'Set the layer name
    Dim pLayer As ILayer
    Set pLayer = pNALayer
    pLayer.Name = pNAContext.Name
    'Add the network analysis layer to ArcMap
    AddLayerInOperation pNALayer, ThisDocument
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Public Function GetNetworkDataset() As INetworkDataset
    Dim pNetworkAnalystExtension As INetworkAnalystExtension
    Dim pNetworkLayer As INetworkLayer
    'Get the Network Analyst extension
    'Return the current network layer's network dataset
    Set pNetworkAnalystExtension = Application.FindExtensionByName("Network Analyst")
    If pNetworkAnalystExtension Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Could not get the Network Analyst extension"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set pNetworkLayer = pNetworkAnalystExtension.CurrentNetworkLayer
    If pNetworkLayer Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "There is no network dataset in the map"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Set GetNetworkDataset = pNetworkLayer.NetworkDataset
End Function

Public Function GetDataElement(ByVal pDatasetComponent As IDatasetComponent) As IDEDataset
    'Network Dataset implements IDatasetComponent.
    'Return it's DataElement
    Set GetDataElement = pDatasetComponent.DataElement
End Function

Public Sub AddLayerInOperation(ByVal pLayer As ILayer, ByVal pMxDoc As IMxDocument)
    'Add the layer within an undo/redo operation
    Dim pAddLayersOperation As IAddLayersOperation
    Set pAddLayersOperation = New AddLayersOperation
    pAddLayersOperation.AddLayer pLayer
    pAddLayersOperation.ArrangeLayers = False
    pAddLayersOperation.Name = pLayer.Name
    pAddLayersOperation.SetDestinationInfo 0, pMxDoc.FocusMap, Nothing
    pMxDoc.OperationStack.Do pAddLayersOperation
End Sub

Additional Requirements
  • Requires a Network Dataset