A table based raster catalog is displayed in ArcMap using the default renderer of the first raster dataset in the raster catalog table. The two samples allow you to modify the default renderer of the raster catalog by using information from any raster dataset in the raster catalog table.
How to use
- Call this subroutine from VBA.
- For how to use, see comments in each subroutine .
Sub ChangeCatalogRenderer1()
'Add one of the raster dataset from raster catalog into
'ArcMap. Make sure the raster dataset layer is the first layer in TOC and raster catalog is
'the second layer. Change the renderer of the raster layer to the desired
'one. After running this subroutine, the renderer of the raster layer will be applied
'to the raster catalog layer
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
' Get raster layer
Dim pRasLyr As IRasterLayer
Set pRasLyr = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(0)
' Get raster renderer from the raster layer
Dim pRasRen As IRasterRenderer
Set pRasRen = pRasLyr.Renderer
' Apply the raster renderer to the catalog layer
Dim pCatLyr As IRasterCatalogLayer
Set pCatLyr = pMxDoc.FocusMap.Layer(1)
Set pCatLyr.Renderer = pRasRen
End Sub
Sub ChangeCatalogRenderer2()
'Add a 8.x version raster catalog into ArcMap and select it, then run this subrotine.
'This subroutine cutomizes a raster stretch renderer using
'statistics from one of the raster dataset in the raster catalog
'table (the second), then apply the customized renderer to the
'raster catalog layer.
Dim pMxDoc As IMxDocument
Set pMxDoc = ThisDocument
Dim pLy As ILayer
Dim pCatLy As IRasterCatalogLayer
' Get Catalog layer
Set pLy = pMxDoc.SelectedLayer
If Not TypeOf pLy Is IRasterCatalogLayer Then
MsgBox "Please select an image catalog layer"
Exit Sub
End If
Set pCatLy = pLy
' Get the second dataset (or any other)
Dim pRDS As IRasterDataset
Dim pCatTable As IRasterCatalogTable
Set pCatTable = pCatLy.CatalogTable
Set pRDS = pCatTable.RasterDataset(1)
Dim pRaster As IRaster
Set pRaster = pRDS.CreateDefaultRaster
'Create render
Dim pStretch As IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer
Set pStretch = New RasterStretchColorRampRenderer
Dim pRasRen As IRasterRenderer
Set pRasRen = pStretch
' Connect the render to the raster
Set pRasRen.Raster = pRaster
'Define two colors
Dim pFromColor As IColor
Dim pToColor As IColor
Set pFromColor = New RgbColor
pFromColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Set pToColor = New RgbColor
pToColor.RGB = RGB(0, 255, 0)
' Create color ramp
Dim pRamp As IAlgorithmicColorRamp
Set pRamp = New AlgorithmicColorRamp
pRamp.Size = 255
pRamp.FromColor = pFromColor
pRamp.ToColor = pToColor
pRamp.CreateRamp True
' Plug this colorramp into renderer and select a band
pStretch.BandIndex = 0
pStretch.ColorRamp = pRamp
' Update the renderer with new settings and plug into layer
Set pCatLy.Renderer = pStretch
End Sub