How to update the geometry column in a raster catalog

This sample shows how to update the geometry column in a 9.0 raster catalog, it will populate the geometry column with the extent of the raster in each row

How to use

  1. Call this function from VBA.
Sub UpdateGeometryInRasterCatalog(pSDEWs As IRasterWorkspaceEx, sCatalog As String)
    ' Update the geometry column in a 9.0 raster catalog
    Dim pCatalog As IRasterCatalog
    Dim pCatalogHelper As IRasterCatalogHelper
    'Open raster catalog
    Set pCatalog = pSDEWs.OpenRasterCatalog(sCatalog)
    'Initialize helper class
    Set pCatalogHelper = New RasterCatalogHelper
    'Update the geometry
    pCatalogHelper.UpdateFootprint pCatalog
    Set pCatalog = Nothing
    Set pCatalogHelper = Nothing
End Sub