How to flash a 3D location

This routine accepts an IPoint interface and uses the IDisplay3D interface of an ArcScene's SceneGraph to flash the location.

How to use

  1. Paste the code into VBA.
  2. In a calling procedure, create a Point, populate its coordinates, and pass its IPoint interface to the FlashLocation3D procedure.
  3. Run the calling procedure.
Public Sub FlashLocation3D(pLoc As IPoint)
    Dim pApp As IApplication
    Set pApp = Application
    If TypeOf pApp Is ISxApplication Then
        Dim pSxDoc As ISxDocument
        Set pSxDoc = pApp.Document
        Dim pDisplay3D As IDisplay3D
        Set pDisplay3D = pSxDoc.Scene.SceneGraph
        pDisplay3D.FlashLocation pLoc
    End If
End Sub