How to insert features using an insert cursor

This sample demonstrates how to use an insert cursor to load features. The other option for loading features in CreateFeature/Store. The primary difference between the two methods is: insert cursors bypass calling IFeature::Store, which performs all object behavior, making loading simple features much quicker. However, Store must be called on complex features and insert cursors automatically perform this when complex features are detected. In the case of complex features then, both methods yield the same performance.
The macro loads features from one shapefile into another shapefile. For simplicity sake, the code has been written to run within ArcMap and it does not create the output shapefile, you must create this before running the code. The Java version does not require ArcMap.

How to use

  1. Create a new shapefile that will receive new features.
  2. Make sure its extent can handle all the new features coming in.
  3. Paste the macro into VBA.
  4. Modify the code to point to the desired shapefiles.
  5. Execute the LoadFeatures macro.
Public Sub LoadFeatures()
    Dim pInFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
    Dim pOutFeatureClass As IFeatureClass
    Dim pSearchFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
    Dim pFeature As IFeature
    Dim pInsertFeatureBuffer As IFeatureBuffer
    Dim pInsertFeatureCursor As IFeatureCursor
    Dim NewFeatureCount As Integer
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    'Open shapefile where new features will be written to
    'For simplicity, sample does not contain code to create a new shapefile
    Set pOutFeatureClass = OpenFeatureClass("d:\data\usa", "test")
    If pOutFeatureClass Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    Set pInsertFeatureCursor = pOutFeatureClass.Insert(True)
    Set pInsertFeatureBuffer = pOutFeatureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer
    'Open shapefile containing the features that will be copied
    Set pInFeatureClass = OpenFeatureClass("d:\data\usa", "counties")
    If pInFeatureClass Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    'Loop through all the features in InFeatureClass
    Set pSearchFeatureCursor = pInFeatureClass.Search(Nothing, True)
    Set pFeature = pSearchFeatureCursor.NextFeature
    Do While Not pFeature Is Nothing
        'Add the original feature's geometry to the feature buffer
        Set pInsertFeatureBuffer.Shape = pFeature.Shape
        'Add all the original feature's fields to the feature buffer
        AddFields pInsertFeatureBuffer, pFeature
        'Insert the feature into the cursor
        pInsertFeatureCursor.InsertFeature pInsertFeatureBuffer
        NewFeatureCount = NewFeatureCount + 1
        'Flush the feature cursor every 100 features
        'This is safer because you can write code to handle a flush error
        'If you don't flush the feature cursor it will automatically flush but
        'after all of your code executes at which time you have no control
        If NewFeatureCount = 100 Then
            NewFeatureCount = 0
        End If
        Set pFeature = pSearchFeatureCursor.NextFeature
    pInsertFeatureCursor.Flush 'Flush the cursor one last time
    Exit Sub 'Exit to avoid error handler
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Next
End Sub

Private Sub AddFields(pFeatureBuffer As IFeatureBuffer, pFeature As IFeature)
    Dim pRowBuffer As IRowBuffer
    Dim pNewFields As IFields 'fields on target feature class
    Dim pNewField As IField
    Dim pFields As IFields 'fields on original feature class
    Dim pField As IField
    Dim FieldCount As Integer
    Dim NewFieldIndex As Long
    'Copy the attributes of the orig feature the new feature
    Set pRowBuffer = pFeatureBuffer
    Set pNewFields = pRowBuffer.Fields
    Set pFields = pFeature.Fields
    For FieldCount = 0 To pFields.FieldCount - 1
        Set pField = pFields.Field(FieldCount)
        If Not pField.Type = esriFieldTypeGeometry And Not pField.Type = esriFieldTypeOID _
                             And pField.Editable Then
            NewFieldIndex = pNewFields.FindField(pField.Name)
            If Not NewFieldIndex = -1 Then
                pFeatureBuffer.Value(NewFieldIndex) = pFeature.Value(FieldCount)
            End If
        End If
    Next FieldCount
End Sub

Public Function OpenFeatureClass(strWorkspace As String, strFeatureClass As String) As IFeatureClass
    On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
    Dim pShpWorkspaceName As IWorkspaceName
    Dim pDatasetName As IDatasetName
    Dim pName As IName
    'Create the workspace name object
    Set pShpWorkspaceName = New WorkspaceName
    pShpWorkspaceName.PathName = strWorkspace
    pShpWorkspaceName.WorkspaceFactoryProgID = "esriDataSourcesFile.shapefileworkspacefactory.1"
    'Create the feature class name object
    Set pDatasetName = New FeatureClassName
    pDatasetName.Name = strFeatureClass
    Set pDatasetName.WorkspaceName = pShpWorkspaceName
    'Open the feature class
    Set pName = pDatasetName
    Set OpenFeatureClass = pName.Open
    Exit Function
    Set OpenFeatureClass = Nothing
End Function