How to create a geodatabase raster dataset

This sample shows how to create an empty raster dataset in a geodatabase.

How to use

  1. Add these functions to your project.
  2. Call the top-level function (first one listed) from your code.
Public Function createSDERasterDs(pWs As IRasterWorkspaceEx, sDsName As String, _
                                  iNBands As Integer, iPixelType As Integer, _
                                  Optional pSR As ISpatialReference, _
                                  Optional pRasterStoreDef As IRasterStorageDef, _
                                  Optional pRasterDef As IRasterDef, _
                                  Optional sKeyword As String) As IRasterDataset
    ' Create a raster dataset in a geodatabase workspace
    ' pWs == destination geodatabase workspace (personal or ArcSDE)
    ' sCatalogName == name of the raster catalog
    ' sRatserFldName == name of the raster column
    ' sShapeFldName == name of the geometry column
    ' pShpSpatialRef == spatial reference of the geometry column
    ' pRasterSpatialRef == spatial reference fo the raster column
    ' isManaged == for personal geodatabase only, if true, the rasters are managed by the GDB
    ' pFields == fields of the raster catalog table
    ' sKeyword == ArcSDE only, configuration keyword
    Dim pRasterDs As IRasterDataset
    Dim pGeoDef As IGeometryDef
    ' ++ if rasterdef is missing, create one with specified/unknown spatialreference
    If pRasterDef Is Nothing Then
        Set pRasterDef = createRasterDef(False, pSR)
    End If
    ' ++ if rasterstoragedef is missing, use default parameters
    If pRasterStoreDef Is Nothing Then
        Set pRasterStoreDef = createRasterStorageDef
    End If
    ' ++ create geodef
    Set pGeoDef = createGeoDef(pSR)
    ' ++ if keyword is missing, use default
    If Len(sKeyword) = 0 Then sKeyword = "DEFAULTS"
    Set pRasterDs = pWs.CreateRasterDataset(sDsName, iNBands, iPixelType, _
                    pRasterStoreDef, sKeyword, pRasterDef, pGeoDef)
    Set createSDERasterDs = pRasterDs
    Set pRasterDs = Nothing
End Function

Public Function createRasterDef(bByref As Boolean, Optional pSpatialRef As ISpatialReference) As IRasterDef
    ' Create rasterdef
    Dim pRasterDef As IRasterDef
    Set pRasterDef = New RasterDef
    pRasterDef.Description = "rasterdataset"
    If pSpatialRef Is Nothing Then
        Set pSpatialRef = New UnknownCoordinateSystem
    End If
    Set pRasterDef.SpatialReference = pSpatialRef
    Set createRasterDef = pRasterDef
    Set pRasterDef = Nothing
End Function

Public Function createRasterStorageDef() As IRasterStorageDef
    ' Create rasterstoragedef
    Dim pRasterStorageDef As IRasterStorageDef
    Set pRasterStorageDef = New RasterStorageDef
    pRasterStorageDef.CompressionType = esriRasterSdeCompressionTypeRunLength
    pRasterStorageDef.PyramidLevel = 2
    pRasterStorageDef.PyramidResampleType = RSP_BilinearInterpolation
    pRasterStorageDef.TileHeight = 128
    pRasterStorageDef.TileWidth = 128
    Set createRasterStorageDef = pRasterStorageDef
    Set pRasterStorageDef = Nothing
End Function

Public Function createGeoDef(pSpatialRef As ISpatialReference) As IGeometryDef
    ' Create GeometryDef
    Dim pGeoDef As IGeometryDef
    Dim pGeoEdit As IGeometryDefEdit
    Set pGeoDef = New GeometryDef
    Set pGeoEdit = pGeoDef
    pGeoEdit.GeometryType = esriGeometryPolygon
    pGeoEdit.AvgNumPoints = 4
    pGeoEdit.GridCount = 1
    pGeoEdit.GridSize(0) = 1000
    ' Set unknown spatial reference is not set
    If pSpatialRef Is Nothing Then
        Set pSpatialRef = New UnknownCoordinateSystem
    End If
    Set pGeoEdit.SpatialReference = pSpatialRef
    Set createGeoDef = pGeoDef
    Set pGeoDef = Nothing
    Set pGeoEdit = Nothing
End Function