ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

IARLayer Interface

Provides access to members that control the ARLayer.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.


The IARLayer interface is a starting point for getting and setting layer properties, and searching for features within the layer. 


Read-only property ARLayerCount The number of child layers in a group layer.
Read-only property Cached Indicates if the layer has its own display cache.
Read-only property ChildARLayer The child layer at the specifid index of a group layer.
Read/write property CustomProperty A property to associate data with an object.
Read-only property Description The description of the layer.
Method GetExtent The extent of the data within the layer.
Read-only property Hyperlinks Indicates if the layer contains hyperlinks.
Read-only property InternalObject The internal ArcObjects ILayer object.
Read-only property IsGroupLayer Indicates if the layer is a group of layers behaving like a single layer.
Read-only property MaximumScale Maximum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display.
Read-only property MinimumScale Minimum scale (representative fraction) at which the layer will display.
Read-only property Name The name of the layer.
Method QueryARFeatures Searches the layer using a search definition and returns an ARFeatureSet.
Read-only property Searchable Indicates if the layer is searchable (only feature layers are searchable).
Method SearchARFeatures Searches the layer using a search definition and returns an ARFeatureCursor.
Read-only property Type The description of the type of layer.
Read/write property Visible Indicates if the layer is currently visible.

CoClasses that implement IARLayer

CoClasses and Classes Description
ARLayer ARLayer object.