ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

IGlobeHelperPub Interface

an interface with some standard Globe Utility functions. Note: the IGlobeHelperPub interface has been superseded byIGlobeHelperPub2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AddGlobeProperties Process a new layer.
Method AdjustGCS360 Adjusts a layer within GCS (0,360) to (-180,180).
Method CreateAllCacheSubDirectoriesInPath Creates All Cache Directories in path
Method DeleteAllowedLayerCachesInGlobeCacheDirectory Delete Allowed Layer Caches in Globe Directory.
Method DeleteLayerCacheDirectory Delete Layer Cache Directory.
Method FindGlobeLayerProperties Returns GlobeLayerProperties of a layer
Method SetGroupLayerCache Enables and Sets Group Layer's cache properties.
Method SyncExtrusionProperties Transfers 3D Extrusion properties to Globe Extrusion properties.

CoClasses that implement IGlobeHelperPub

CoClasses and Classes Description
GlobeHelper A class to serve as a utility helper for common functions.