ArcObjects Library Reference (GlobeCore)  

IGlobeDisplayRendering Interface

Provides access to members that manipulate globe display rendering. Note: the IGlobeDisplayRendering interface has been superseded byIGlobeDisplayRendering2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


IGlobeDisplayRendering interface provides access to members that control display rendering in the Globe.

AmbientLight    the globes sun effect ambient light value between 0 to 1, BaseExaggeration the value of exageration to be applied for layers in the Draped and Elevation category, GlobeBackgroundOption the Globe's background color, GlobeRadius the Globe's radius. IsSunEnabled indicates if the sun is enabled,OverlayExaggeration the vertical exaggeration for Floating Layers, and SunContrast - the sun's illumination contrast.

It also has the following methods to: GetBackgroundTransitionDistances (pLowAltitute, pHighAltitude ) and SetBackgroundTransitionDistances (pLowAltitute, pHighAltitude ) a  method to get\set the transition distance where the space color changes to sky color.


Read/write property AmbientLight The sun's ambient light value.
Read/write property BaseExaggeration The vertical exaggeration for the base globe.
Method GetBackgroundTransitionDistances Gets the altitude values in kilometers for the transition in the background color.
Method GetLowBackgroundColor Returns the low altitude background color.
Method GetSunColor Gets the sun RGB color.
Method GetSunPosition Gets the sun position in lat, lon.
Read/write property GlobeBackgroundOption The background option.
Read-only property GlobeRadius The radius of the globe in meters.
Read/write property IsSunEnabled Indicates if the sun lighting is enabled.
Read/write property OverlayExaggeration The vertical exaggeration for the overlay layers.
Method SetBackgroundTransitionDistances Sets the altitude values in kilometers for the transition in the background color.
Method SetLowBackgroundColor Sets the low altitude background color.
Method SetSunColor Sets the sun RGB color.
Method SetSunPosition Sets the sun position in lat, lon.
Read/write property SunContrast The illumination contrast.