Description |
AbortEditOperation |
Abort edit operation within the application. |
AddInternalLayer |
Adds a layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. |
AddInternalLayer2 |
Adds a layer object and geoprocessing layer object to the geoprocessing utility object. |
AddInternalTable |
Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. |
AddInternalTable2 |
Adds the given table to the utility object's list of tables. |
AddToMap |
Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. |
AddToMapEx |
Adds the given geoprocessing value object to the application display. |
CanAddToMap |
Returns whether datasets can be added to the current application display. |
Catalog |
Returns the catalog object shared between geoprocessing operations. |
CleanupEditSession |
Cleans up any edit session. |
ClearInMemoryWorkspace |
Clear the virtual workspace. |
CompareWildCard |
Returns whether the given string satisfies the given wildcard string. |
Copy |
Copies the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. |
CreateDataElement |
Creates a new data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and optional workspace. |
CreateFeatureClassName |
Creates a feature class name object from the given catalog path. |
CreateFeatureLayer |
Creates a geoprocessing feature layer object from the catalog path. |
CreateParameterValue |
Creates a geoprocessing value object of the given data type from the given string. |
CreateParentFromCatalogPath |
Returns a name object corresponding to the parent object of the specified catalog path. |
CreateRasterCatalogName |
Creates a raster catalog name object from the given catalog path. |
CreateRasterDatasetName |
Creates a raster dataset name object from the given catalog path. |
CreateTableName |
Creates a table name object from the given catalog path. |
CreateToolboxFromFactory |
Creates a toolbox at the given location for a function factory of a given alias. |
DecodeDETable |
Returns the table data element specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeFeatureLayer |
Returns the feature class and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeLayer |
Returns the layer object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeRaster |
Returns the raster specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeRasterLayer |
Returns the raster dataset specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeStandaloneTable |
Returns the standalone table object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
DecodeTableView |
Returns the table and query filter specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
Delete |
Deletes the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. |
Exists |
Returns whether the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object exists. |
ExpandDataElement |
Expands the properties of the given data element according to the given expand options. |
ExportFeatureClass |
Exports the given feature class to a new feature class. |
FieldExists |
Returns whether the given field exists within the given geoprocessing value object. |
FindField |
Returns the field object with the specified name in the given geoprocessing value object. |
FindMapLayer |
Returns a layer with the given name. |
FindMapLayer2 |
Returns a layer and geoprocessing layer with the given name. |
FindMapTable |
Locates a table with the specified name. |
FindMapTable2 |
Locates a table with the specified name and returns the table and geoprocessing table view objects. |
GenerateDefaultOutputValue |
Generates the default output value and sets its path to an unique name. |
GenerateGeographicTransformDomain |
Generate the matching geographic transform domain from an input spatial reference to an output spatial reference. |
GenerateSpRef |
Generates a new spatial reference object. |
GetActiveView |
Get active view. |
GetBasicMap |
Gets the basic map associated with the application. |
GetEnvironment |
Locates a geoprocessing environment with the given name in the given array. |
GetExtent |
Gets the type and value of extent of the given value. |
GetFields |
Returns a collection of field objects contained in the given geoprocessing value object. |
GetGPLayers |
Returns an enumeration of current geoprocessing layers. |
GetGPMapData |
Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing data. |
GetGPSpRefEnv |
Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. |
GetGPSpRefEnvEx |
Creates the spatial reference from both a source and environment. |
GetGPTableViews |
Returns an enumeration of geoprocessing table views. |
GetGTOperationSet |
Gets the set of geographic transformations. |
GetGxObject |
Returns the catalog object corresponding to the given data element. |
GetGxObjectFromLocation |
Returns the catalog object from the given catalog path. |
GetGxObjects |
Returns an array of all catalog objects which correspond to the catalog path. |
GetInMemoryWorkspace |
Get the virtual workspace. |
GetLayerName |
Get default layer name for given value. |
GetMap |
Gets the map associated with the application. |
GetMapLayers |
Returns an enumeration of the current layers in the application. |
GetMapTables |
Returns an enumeration of standalone tables in the current map. |
GetNameObject |
Returns a name object corresponding to the object referred to by the given data element. |
GetNameObjectFromLocation |
Returns a name object corresponding to the object by the location moniker. |
GetStatusBar |
Gets the status bar associated with the application. |
GetUnQualifiedCatalogPath |
Returns the unqualified path by striping the GDBs database and user names. |
InApplication |
Indicates if the program is running in an ArcGIS applicaiton. |
InternalValidate |
Performs a validation of the parameters to a GPTool. |
InternalValidateValue |
Performs a validation of the a single parameter to a GPTool. |
IsBadMessage |
Tests if a given message within an array of messages is bad. |
IsDatasetType |
Returns whether the given object is a dataset. |
IsDerived |
Returns whether the given variable or parameter is derived. |
IsGPTableView |
Returns test if a geoprocessing table views is in fact a table and not from a layer. |
MakeDataElement |
Returns a data element object from the catalog object specified by the given path, data type, and expand options. |
MakeDataElementFromNameObject |
Creates a new data element object from the given name object. |
MakeDataElements |
Get data elements from catalog path. |
MakeGPLayer |
Creates a geoprocessing layer object from the given catalog path and of the given geoprocessing data type. |
MakeGPLayerFromLayer |
Creates a geoprocessing layer object based on the given layer object. |
MakeGPTableView |
Returns a geoprocessing table view object corresponding to the given catalog path and of the specified geoprocessing data type. |
MakeGPTableViewFromTable |
Returns a new geoprocessing table view object from the given table object. |
MakeGPValueFromObject |
Generate an GPValue from an Arc Object. |
MakeLayer |
Creates appropriate layer for the value. |
Open |
Returns the dataset of the given value. |
OpenDataset |
Opens the dataset object specified by the given geoprocessing value object. |
OpenDatasetFromLocation |
Opens the dataset object from the given catalog path. |
OpenFeatureClassFromString |
Opens a feature class from the given catalog path. |
OpenFeatureLayerFromString |
Opens a feature layer from the given catalog path. |
OpenFromString |
Returns the dataset of the given value. |
OpenLayerFromLocation |
Returns the layer based upon the given catalog path. |
OpenRasterDatasetFromString |
Opens a raster dataset object from the given catalog path. |
OpenRasterLayerFromString |
Opens a raster layer object from the given catalog path. |
OpenTableFromString |
Opens a table from the given catalog path. |
PackGPValue |
Sets the given geoprocessing value into the given parameter/variable. |
QualifyOutputCatalogPath |
Qualify the catalog path with the GDBs database and user names. |
QualifyOutputDataElement |
Qualify the catalog path of the given value with the GDBs database and user names. |
RefreshCatalog |
Refreshes the parent within the catalog of the given data element. |
RefreshCatalogParent |
Returns whether catalog objects, used by the shared catalog object, are refreshed during geoprocessing operations. |
RefreshView |
Refreshes the applications active view. |
ReleaseInternals |
Releases all internal objects used prior to releasing this GPUtilities object. |
RemoveFromMap |
Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object and/or name. |
RemoveFromMapEx |
Removes the data/layers specified by the geoprocessing value object from the map. |
RemoveInternalData |
Removes all internal layers and tables. |
RemoveInternalLayer |
Removes the internal layer. |
RemoveInternalLayerEx |
Removes the internal layer. |
RemoveInternalTable |
Removes the internal table. |
RemoveInternalTableEx |
Removes the internal table. |
RemoveInternalValues |
Removes all of the GPValues returned from MakeGPValueFromObject. |
Rename |
Renames the object referred to by the given geoprocessing value object. |
SaveLayer |
Saves a layer to a given location on disk. |
SetGridIndex |
Calculates and sets the grid index sizes on the given geometry definition object. |
SetInternalMap |
Sets the internal map used by the geoprocessor. |
SetupEditSession |
Starts an edit session if needed. |
StartEditOperation |
Start edit operation within the application. |
StopEditOperation |
Stop edit operation within the application. |
UnpackGPValue |
Returns the geoprocessing value object from the given parameter, variable, or value object. |
ValidateExists |
Verifies that the data referenced by the given geoprocessing value object exists. |
VariableManager |
Sets the Variable Manager. |
Workspace |
Sets the path to the current workspace. |