Bits that can be added to the esriGeneral... shape types.
Constant | Value | Description |
esriShapeHasZs | -2147483648 | The shape has heights (Zs) on all vertices/points. |
esriShapeHasMs | 1073741824 | The shape has measures (Ms) on some or all vertices/points. |
esriShapeHasCurves | 536870912 | The shape has non-linear segments. |
esriShapeHasIDs | 268435456 | The shape has identifiers (IDs) on some or all vertices/points. |
esriShapeHasNormals | 134217728 | The shape has Normals on each vertex (Multipatch-specific attribute). |
esriShapeHasTextures | 67108864 | The shape has Texture attributes (Multipatch-specific attribute). |
esriShapeHasPartIDs | 33554432 | The shape has PartID attributes (Multipatch-specific attribute). |
esriShapeHasMaterials | 16777216 | The shape has Material attributes (Multipatch-specific attribute). |
esriShapeIsCompressed | 8388608 | The shape is Compressed (Multipatch-specific attribute). |
esriShapeModifierMask | -16777216 | Mask to check only the high-order two bits of Modifier information. |
esriShapeMultiPatchModifierMask | 15728640 | Mask to check only the high-order two bits of Modifier information. |
esriShapeBasicTypeMask | 255 | Mask to check only the low-order two bits of Modifier information. |
esriShapeBasicModifierMask | -1073741824 | The shape has Zs or Ms. |
esriShapeNonBasicModifierMask | 1056964608 | The shape does not have Zs or Ms. |
esriShapeExtendedModifierMask | -587202560 | The shape has Zs or Ms. |
Product Availability
Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.