ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IWorkspaceEdit2 Interface

Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method AbortEditOperation Aborts an edit operation.
Method DisableUndoRedo Disables Undo and Redo of edit operations.
Read-only property EditDataChanges gets changes during edit session
Method EnableUndoRedo Enables Undo and Redo of edit operations.
Method HasEdits True if there are any completed edit operations that need to be saved .
Method HasRedos True if there are any completed undos that can be redone.
Method HasUndos True if there are any completed edit operations that can be undone.
Method IsBeingEdited True if the workspace is being edited.
Read-only property IsInEditOperation Is the workspace currently in an edit operation?
Method RedoEditOperation Causes a Redo to be performed on the last undo.
Method StartEditing Starts editing the workspace.
Method StartEditOperation Begins an edit operation.
Method StopEditing Stops editing the workspace.
Method StopEditOperation Ends an edit operation.
Method UndoEditOperation Causes an Undo to be performed on the last edit operation.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IWorkspaceEdit Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.


The IWorkspaceEdit2 interface has two properties. EditDataChanges can be used to retrieve the changes made in the current edit session (or edit operation), and IsInEditOperation can be used to determine if the workspace edit session is in an active edit operation.