ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IRasterDataset Interface

Provides access to members that control a raster dataset. Note: the IRasterDataset interface has been superseded byIRasterDataset3. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Method CanCopy Returns true if this dataset can be copied.
Read-only property CompleteName The full path of the RasterDataset.
Read-only property CompressionType The compression technique applied to this RasterDataset.
Method Copy Copies this dataset to a new dataset with the specified name.
Method CreateDefaultRaster Creates a raster object with the default properties for this dataset.
Read-only property Format The format of this RasterRataset.
Method PrecalculateStats Calculates statistics and histograms for specified bands.
Read-only property SensorType The sensor type used for this RasterDataset.

CoClasses that implement IRasterDataset

CoClasses and Classes Description
FunctionRasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) A class for a function raster dataset.
RasterBand (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterDataset (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a raster dataset on disk.


The IRasterDataset interface provides basic access to the properties of a raster dataset such as format, compression type etc. It also allows to create a Raster object of the raster dataset.

See Also

IRasterPyramid3 Interface