ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

INetworkDataset Interface

Provides access to members that query the schema of the network dataset.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


Read-only property Attribute Network dataset attribute by index.
Read-only property AttributeByID Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified ID.
Read-only property AttributeByName Network dataset attribute corresponding to the specified name.
Read-only property AttributeCount Number of attributes in the network dataset.
Read-only property Buildable Indicates if this network dataset is buildable.
Read-only property NetworkType The type of the network dataset.
Read-only property Source Network dataset source by index.
Read-only property SourceByID Network dataset source corresponding to the specified ID.
Read-only property SourceByName Network dataset source corresponding to the specified name.
Read-only property SourceCount Number of sources in the network dataset.
Read-only property State Indicates whether the network dataset is built or not.
Read-only property SupportsTurns Indicates if this network dataset supports network turn elements.

CoClasses that implement INetworkDataset

CoClasses and Classes Description
NetworkDataset A container for querying information about a network dataset.


A NetworkDataset is a collection of feature classes that participate in a network relationship. Each feature class has a topological role in the network and a network may have multiple feature classes in the same role. A feature dataset may have multiple networks but a feature class can only belong to one network, either a network dataset or geometric network. A Feature class in the network dataset is called a network source.  Network datasets may also have attributes which are used for solving against a network dataset.  Network dataset sources can also participate within a Topology.

The IDatasetContainer2 interface should be used for creating and opening network datasets.  The INetworkBuild interface should be used for adding or removing sources or attributes from a network dataset and for building a network dataset.