ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IField Interface

Provides access to members that return information about the field. Note: the IField interface has been superseded byIField2. Please consider using the more recent version.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The field object represents a column in a table. A field has many properties, the most obvious ones being its name and its datatype. The esriFieldType enumeration lists the possible datatypes.


Read-only property AliasName The alias name of the field.
Method CheckValue Indicates if the value is valid given the field definition.
Read-only property DefaultValue The default value of the field.
Read-only property Domain The default domain of the field.
Read-only property DomainFixed Indicates if the field's domain is fixed.
Read-only property Editable Indicates if the field is editable.
Read-only property GeometryDef The geometry definition for the field if IsGeometry is TRUE.
Read-only property IsNullable Indicates if the field can contain null values.
Read-only property Length The maximum length, in bytes, for values described by the field.
Read-only property Name The name of the field.
Read-only property Precision The precision for field values.
Read-only property Required Indicates if the field is required.
Read-only property Scale The scale for field values.
Read-only property Type The type of the field.
Read-only property VarType The VARTYPE of the field (e.g. VT_I4).

CoClasses that implement IField

CoClasses and Classes Description
Field ESRI Field object.


When you create a field of type esriFieldTypeSingle, esriFieldTypeDouble or esriFieldTypeInteger, and specify zero for precision and scale, the geodatabase will attempt to create a binary type field if the underlying database supports it. Personal geodatabases support only binary type fields.  ArcGIS ignores precision and scale of binary type fields.

The length property of a field has meaning only for esriFieldTypeString fields. The length property for all other field types is not important and will be ignored if specified.