ArcObjects Library Reference (GeoDatabase)  

IFeatureWorkspace Interface

Provides access to members that create and open various types of datasets and other workspace level objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The IFeatureWorkspace interface is used to access and manage datasets that are a key component of a feature based geodatabase; Tables and ObjectClasses, FeatureClasses, FeatureDatasets, and RelationshipClasses. All of the Open methods (such as OpenTable) take a dataset name as input. When working with an enterprise geodatabase, the name may be fully qualified (for example, "database.owner.tablename" or "owner.tablename") using the qualification character appropriate to the underlying database (see ISQLSyntax)). If the input name is not fully qualified, then it is qualified using the currently connected user for the workspace.

When working with geodatabases (personal, file or ArcSDE) the workspace keeps a running object table of instantiated datasets. Multiple calls to open an already instantiated dataset will return a reference to the already instantiated dataset.

When To Use

IFeatureWorkspace is the main interface for creating and opening objects and object classes with a workspace.


Method CreateFeatureClass Creates a new standalone feature class under the workspace.
Method CreateFeatureDataset Creates a new feature dataset.
Method CreateQueryDef Create a query definition object.
Method CreateRelationshipClass Creates a new relationship class.
Method CreateTable Creates a new table.
Method OpenFeatureClass Opens an existing feature class.
Method OpenFeatureDataset Opens an existing feature dataset.
Method OpenFeatureQuery Opens a feature dataset containing a single feature class defined by the specified Query.
Method OpenRelationshipClass Opens an existing relationship class.
Method OpenRelationshipQuery The table of a relationship join query.
Method OpenTable Opens an existing table.

CoClasses that implement IFeatureWorkspace

CoClasses and Classes Description
Sde3Workspace (esriDataSourcesGDB) ESRI SDE (3.x) Feature Database.
Sde4Workspace (esriDataSourcesGDB) ESRI SDE (4.x) Feature Database.
VersionedWorkspace VersionedWorkspace Object.
Workspace Workspace Object.