ArcObjects Library Reference (Framework)  

IApplication Interface

Provides access to members that query or modify the application.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


The Application object is the core object in the ArcMap and ArcCatalog applications. This object represents the application itself and acts as the central point where access is gained to other objects in the system. The Application object's primary interface is IApplication. This interface provides access to the Document object, the extensions, the StatusBar object, the Templates object, the currently selected tool, and the Visual Basic Editor. There are several methods that allow you to open, save, and print documents, lock and unlock the application from user customizations, display dialogs, and exit the application.


Read/write property Caption The caption of this application.
Read/write property CurrentTool The currently selected tool.
Read-only property Document The document that is currently loaded in the application.
Method FindExtensionByCLSID Finds an extension by its CLSID.
Method FindExtensionByName Finds an extension by its name.
Read-only property hWnd The handle of the application's window.
Method IsDialogVisible Indicates if the specified dialog is visible in the application.
Method LockCustomization Locks the application's user interface against any customizations.
Read-only property Name The name of this application.
Method NewDocument Creates a new document in this application.
Method OpenDocument Opens a document in this application.
Method PrintDocument Displays the Print dialog.
Method PrintPreview Displays how the document will look like when it is printed.
Method RefreshWindow Redraws the application window.
Method SaveAsDocument Saves the document that is currently open in this application to a different file.
Method SaveDocument Saves the document that is currently open in this application.
Method ShowDialog Displays the specified dialog in the application.
Method Shutdown Terminates the application.
Read-only property StatusBar The statusbar of this application.
Read-only property Templates The templates collection.
Method UnlockCustomization Unlocks previous user interface customization lock.
Read-only property VBE The Visual Basic Environment.
Read/write property Visible Indicates if the application window is visible.

CoClasses that implement IApplication

CoClasses and Classes Description
Application (esriArcCatalog) ESRI ArcCatalog Application.
Application (esriArcGlobe) ESRI ArcGlobe Application.
Application (esriArcMap) ESRI ArcMap Application
Application (esriArcScene) The 3D Modeling Application.
AppRef A reference to the currently running application.

See Also

IMxApplication Interface | IDocument.Parent Property | ICommand.OnCreate Method