ArcObjects Library Reference (EditorExt)  

EditorExt Library Contents

The EditorExt library contains extension to the ArcMap Editor and components dependant on the Editor.


Interface Description
IAdjustLayers Provides access to members that control information about layers to be adjusted.
IAdjustment Provides access to members that control the behavior of the adjustment tools.
IAdjustmentEvents Provides access to adjustment events. Implement it to listen for specific events that occur during an adjustment session.
IAdjustProperties Provides access to members that control the properties of an adjustment session.
IAffineTransformationMethod Provides access to the affine transformation methods.
IBufferUI Provides access to members that control the buffer dialog for buffering features in ArcMap.
IChooseObjectFromObjectsUI Provides access to members that display a dialog, that allow you to choose an object from a list.
IConformalTransformationMethod Provides access to the conformal transformation methods.
IControlPointContainer Provides access to members that maintain control points.
IControlPointContainerEvents Provides access to events that occur when the control point container changes.
IControlPointLink Provides access to the control point link tool methods.
IDisplacementLinkElement Provides access to members that control the displacement link element.
IEdgeMatch Provides access to members that define and manipulate edgematching.
IEdgeMatchEnvironment Provides access to members that control the properties of edge match tool.
IEdgeSnapTransformationMethod Provides access to the edge snap transformation methods.
IEditorSnapping Provides access to the editing specific snapping environment.
IFieldMappingUI Provides access to members that display the field mapping UI.
IFlowLayerState Provides access to members that get and set the state of the showing of flow direction symbols in the map for a given layer.
IGeometricNetworkIncrementalLoader Provides access to members used to incrementally load geometric network.
IGNIncrementalLoaderUI Provides access to members that control the Geometric Network Incremental Loader UI.
IGNIncrementalLoaderUIProperties Provides access to the members that control the properties of the incremental loader.
IIdentityLinkElement Provides access to members that control the identity link element.
ILimitedAdjustmentAreaOperation Provides access to the limited adjustment area methods.
IMapTopology Provides access to a Map topology, which is a collection of feature layers that can be edited using the arc 8.3 topology editing tools.
IModifyEdgeTask Indicator interface for the modify edge task.
INetworkAnalysisExt Provides access to members that add or remove networks and feature layers from the Network Analysis extension.
INetworkAnalysisExtBarriers Provides access to members that manage barriers in the Network Analysis extension.
INetworkAnalysisExtFlags Provides access to members that manage flags in the Network Analysis extension.
INetworkAnalysisExtResultColor Provides access to members that handle the color used for rendering trace task results.
INetworkAnalysisExtResults Provides access to members that set and clear the trace task results.
INetworkAnalysisExtWeightFilter Provides access to members that set and return the weight filter information to be used when performing trace tasks.
INetworkAnalysisExtWeights Provides access to members that set and return the weights to be used when performing trace tasks.
INewLinkElementOperation Provides access to the new link element methods.
IObjectLoader Provides access to members that are used to load an object to an existing featureclass or table.
IObjectLoader2 Provides access to members that are used to load an object to an existing featureclass or table.
IObjectLoaderUI Provides access to members that control the Object Loader UI.
IObjectLoaderUIProperties Provides access to the members that control the properties of the object loader.
IPiecewiseTransformation Provides access to members that define and manipulate piecewise transformations.
IPiecewiseTransformationGEN Provides access to members that define and manipulate piecewise transformations. IPiecewiseTransformationGEN is generic version of IPiecewiseTransformation.
IPiecewiseTransformationMethod Provides access to the piecewise transformation methods.
IProjectiveTransformationMethod Provides access to the projective transformation methods.
IProtectNameEditorExt Provides access to dummy methods protecting name correctness.
ITabletExt Provides access to the Tablet support extension.
ITabletExtEvents Provides access to the tablet support extension events.
ITopologyExtension Provides access to members that control a topology.
ITopologyExtension2 Provides access to additional members that control the topology extension.
ITopologyExtension3 Provides access to additional members that control the topology extension.
ITopologyExtensionEvents Provides access to events that occur when working with a topology.
ITopologyExtensionEvents2 Provides access to more events that occur when working with a topology.
ITracePathTaskResults Provides access to members that return cost information about the path or tree found by certain trace tasks.
ITraceTask Provides access to members that execute a trace task.
ITraceTaskResults Provides access to members that return the network elements returned by the trace task.
ITraceTasks Provides access to members that set and return the current trace task and the options for tracing.
ITrackingTool Provides access to the track tool methods.
ITrackPointOperation Provides access to the track point operation methods.
ITransformationErrorImpl Provides access to transformation errors.
ITransformationMethod Provides access to transformation method.
ITransformationMethodGEN Provides access to transformation method. ITransformationMethodGEN is generic version of ITransformationMethod.
ITransformationMethodRMSError Provides access to transformation method RMS error.
ITransformedFeatureCursorFactory Provides access to creating a transformed feature cursor.
IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExt Provides access to a member that determines whether flow direction can be set for the current network.
IUtilityNetworkAnalysisExtFlow Provides access to members that set and return the options for showing flow direction.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
Adjustment The Adjustment Tools Editor Extension.
AffineTransformationMethod The affine transformation method.
AttributeTransfer Transfers attribute values from one row to another based on a fieldmap.
BufferUI Window to display find dialog in ArcMap.
ChooseObjectFromObjectsUI The object chooser from many objects.
ConformalTransformationMethod The conformal transformation method.
DisplacementLinkElement The Graphic Element to display adjustment links.
EdgeMatch A edgematching transformation method.
EdgeSnapTransformationMethod The edge snap transformation method.
EditorSnapping Controls the editing specific snapping environment.
ErrorWindow ESRI topology error inspector.
FieldMap The Field map object defines how attributes will get transfered.
FieldMappingUI Window used to setup field mappings for attribute transfer.
FindAccumulationTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding the total value of all reachable elements in the current network upstream of the specified flag(s).
FindAncestorsTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are upstream from all of the specified flags.
FindConnectedTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all elements in the current network that are reachable from the specified flag(s).
FindDisconnectedTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all elements in the current network that are not reachable from the specified flag(s).
FindLoopsTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are parts of closed circuits.
FindPathUpstreamTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding a path from the specified flag(s) to the nearest source in the current network.
GNIncrementalLoader Loads simple features into existing geometric network.
GNIncrementalLoaderUI The geometric network incremental loader dialog.
IdentityLinkElement The Graphic Element to display identity links.
LimitedAdjustmentAreaOperation Operation for setting the limited adjustment area.
MapTopology The current map topology.
NewLinkElementOperation Operation for adding new links to a map.
ObjectLoader Loads data into an existing object class.
ObjectLoaderUI The object loader dialog.
PiecewiseTransformation A piecewise transformation method.
PiecewiseTransformationMethod The piecewise (rubber sheeting) transformation method.
ProjectiveTransformationMethod The projective transformation method.
SharedEdgeRenderer A renderer that can be used to draw topology elements.
StandaloneTableGeneralPropPage Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's general properties.
StandaloneTableSourcePropPage Property page for managing a StandAloneTable's datasource properties.
TableFrame Graphic Element to display table.
TabletExt Tablet support extension object.
TableWindowOptionsPage Table Window Options Property Page.
TopologyExtension Extension for working with topology.
TopologyExtensionEvents2Helper Topology extension event helper.
TopologyLayerFactory A factory for creating topology layers.
TraceDownstreamTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are downstream from the specified flag(s).
TracePathTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding a path between the specified flags in the current network.
TraceUpstreamTask Trace task used by the Utility Network Analysis extension for finding all reachable elements in the current network that are upstream from the specified flag(s).
TrackPointOperation Operation for tracking new shapes.
TransformedFeatureCursorFactory The transformed feature cursor factory method.
UtilityNetworkAnalysisExt A container for defining the Utility Network Analysis extension and describing its current state.


Enumeration Description
esriAnalysisType Indicates if trace tasks can trace on selected features, unselected features, or all features.
esriTEEventHint Identifies the method triggering the topology event.
esriTopologyElementSymbol Defines the topology element symbology.
ESRITPCGestures Ink gesture enumeration. These codes are returned by the OnGesture event when a particular gesture is recognized.
ESRITPCInkCollectionMode Ink collection mode enumeration.
ESRITPCToolCommitType Ink tool commit mode enumeration.