ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

ICacheRenderer Interface

Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic renderer objects.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Desktop.


Method CanRender Indicates whether a specified feature class is compatible with the renderer.
Method CanRenderFeature Indicates whether a specified feature is compatible with the renderer.
Read-only property CLSID Provides access to the CLSID of the class implementing this interface.
Read-only property Description A description of the renderer.
Read-only property EXTCLSID The method returns the CLSID of the MOLE class extension that the renderer is compatible with.
Read/write property FieldNameSet An optional property set that maps expected field names to physical field names.
Method GraphicByFeature Using a given IDisplay, renders a feature as a cached graphic and returns that graphic.
Read/write property IsEnabled Indicates whether the renderer is currently enabled.
Read-only property IsOK Indicates whether the renderer is valid and behaving well.
Read-only property Name The name of the renderer.
Method RenderCursor Using a given IDisplay, renders the features in a cursor as cached graphics and adds those graphics to the specified display list.
Method RenderFeature Using a given IDisplay, renders a feature as a cached graphic and adds that graphic to the specified display list.

CoClasses that implement ICacheRenderer

CoClasses and Classes Description
AreaObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
AreaObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Areas2525B Renders some of the 2525B areal tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Arrows2525B Renders three point polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics.
Boundaries2525B Renders polylines as 2525B boundary tactical graphics.
C2GMAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
C2GMLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
C2GMPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
CSSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
CSSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
CSSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
FLOT2525B Renders polylines as Forward Lines of Own Troops and related 2525B tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
ForceElement2525BRenderer Renders one or more features as MIL-STD 2525B compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list.
ForceElementAPP6ARenderer Renders one or more features as NATO APP-6A compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list.
FSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSAreasChange1 Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSLinesChange1 Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSPointsChange1 Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
LineObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
LineObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Lines2525B Renders some of the 2525B linear tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
METOCAreasChange1 Renders area tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCLinesChange1 Renders line tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCPointsChange1 Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
MSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MultipointArrows Renders polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics, using the last point to define the back of the arrow head.
OtherLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading.
OtherPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading.
PointObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
PointObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Points2525B Renders some of the 2525B point tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
SwoopArrows Renders selected 2525B arrows using curved lines.
TacticalGraphic2525BRenderer Renders all 2525B tactical graphics.
TacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer Renders all APP6 tactical graphics.
TaskAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.
TaskLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.
TaskPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.


Cache renderer objects are responsible for taking in base geometry and attribute information in the form of a feature and "rendering" a graphic object that can be cached and then drawn as frequently as needed.  Unlike feature renderers, which traditionally render features directly to a display, a cache renderer renders features as stand-alone objects that can then be cached and manipulated and drawn independently of their base features.